Smart Inventory Management System (S-IMS) backend Web API
S-IMS backend is built using Spring Boot and PostgreSQL as the database server.
S-IMS is an inventory management system equipped with data visualisation and demand forecasting.
Its frontend is built using Angular and FusionCharts (available in another repository sims-frontend and both of them communicates using HTTP requests.
The documentation of API is available on here.
Some of the endpoints:
- localhost:8080/authenticate
- localhost:8080/analytics/all
- localhost:8080/inventory/demand/all
- Auth0 java-jwt
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate
- PostgreSQL driver
- Undertow
- Spring Boot
The project is built using Gradle build tool.
git clone
cd backend
gradlew bootRun
using the wrapper (Gradle) in this project to launch the application.
gradle bootRun
using local Gradle in your machine to launch the application
- Database connection
The configuration can be done on the ( location : src/main/resources/ by specify the database url, account credentials such as username and password using (remove this if you want the to be default)
spring.datasource.platform=postgres ( in this case I used PostgreSQL )
spring.jpa.database-platform = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL10Dialect
- OpenAPI/Swagger configuration
Sample Data and Database Schema is available in the project.
#Sample Data
/src/main/resources/postgresql/schema of database.sql
or you can click here
PostgreSQL is recommended if you want to run this project locally on your machine because some SQL query used in the application might not gonna work on other database such as MySQL, MS SQL Server, and etc.
Native query is used on the data access layer, it is intentional despite the use of Hibernate as the ORM.