npm install -g grunt-cli
run npm install
npm install
To watch the presentation you must globally install http-server
npm install -g http-server
Then run grunt scm:revealjs to properly download reveal.js and then
grunt scm --reset=hard
cd presentation
This will start a web server probably on port 8080 then go to http://localhost:8080/
run grunt
pull dependencies
grunt scm --reset=hard
At this point make sure you have a CouchDB instance running in localhost port 5984 or you will have to configure that manually in 9js.config.json
couchdb start
start the application
node --harmony single
This will start the application on port 2352 then go to http://localhost:2352/ Username is "admin", password is "password" You can create tickets, for the moment, only in the Manage Tickets part