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@Coduz Coduz released this 30 Sep 15:05
· 2233 commits to develop since this release


πŸ’„ [Console GWT] Added lockout policy fields in Credential grid (#4086)
πŸ”§ [Datastore] Datastore caches individually configurable (#4075)
⚑ [Datastore] Reduce the number of queries to keep the registry info updates (#4081)
πŸ› [Docker] Fixed mirrors for CentOS 7 (#4074)
✨ [Docker] Migrated to Docker Compose V2 (#4091)
πŸ”₯ [Docker] Removed obsolete 'version' from Docker Compose files (#4092)
✨ [Messaging] Introduced configuration to optionally skip resolution for KapuaDataMessage (#4058)
✨ [REST API] Added "askTotalCount" parameter for tags api (#4078)
✨ [REST API] Batch of askTotalCount & matchTerm queryParameters for some APIs (#4080)
✨ [REST API] Implement sorting functionality in /{scopeId}/endpointInfos API (#4090)
✨ [REST API] Implement sorting functionality in /{scopeId}/roles API (#4093)
✨ [REST API] Implement sorting functionality in /{scopeId}/groups API (#4094)
✨ [REST API] Implement sorting functionality in /{scopeId}/credentials API (#4095)
✨ [REST API] FEATURE: Implemented askTotalCount in API '/{scopeId}/credentials' (#4101)


πŸ› [Authentication] Restrict editing of credential critical properties to admin (#4088)
:fix: introduce KapuaSessionCustomizer (#4108)
πŸ› [Broker] Added missing Eclipse Link ASM dependency (#4110)
πŸ› [Open API] FIX - Removed base64 format on dataChannel API docoumentation (#4082)
πŸ› [Open API] FIX - API doc. on "GET /{scopeId}/devices" request section (#4084)
πŸ› [REST API] Fix NPE in ServiceConfigurations resource by handling missing Account (#4062)
πŸ› [REST API] MetricType unmarshalling in APIs (#4063)
πŸ› [REST API] Fix ServiceConfigurations to return KapuaIllegalArgument instead of 204 (#4064)
πŸ› [REST API] Fix ClassNotFoundException handling in ServiceConfigurations (#4068)
πŸ› [REST API] Fix add input validation to KapuaConfigurableServiceBase (#4069)


⬆️ [Docker] Bumped version of docker-maven-plugin to 0.44.0 (#4055)