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@Coduz Coduz released this 11 Nov 10:34
· 2233 commits to develop since this release


[Build] Added Eclipse Dash Tool step in Kapua CI GitHub workflow (#3600)
[Build] Refactored Eclipse Dash License Tool workflow usage according to suggestions (#3602)
[Build] Upgrade GitAction actions versions 1.x (#3622)
[Console GWT] Entirely show the new credential mask even with allowed special chars (#3607)
[Console GWT] Remove encoding for password changing (#3570)
[Docker] Fixed Docker Compose unquoted ports (#3575)
[Documentation] Added file (#3597)
[Documentation] Fix OpenAPI Device Keystore definitions (#3574)
[Documentation] Fixed Action definition missing SUBMIT in OpenAPI (#3586)
[Documentation] Fixed JobTarget OpenAPI definition (#3585)
[Documentation] Fixed TriggerProperty OpenAPI definition (#3566)
[MFA] Refactored and improved MfaAuthenticatorImpl (#3655)
[Misc] Set loglevel for Cache Configuration Printer (#3584)
[Service Configuration] Fix NPE implicit casting on configurable resources checks (#3610)
[Service Configuration] KapuaCofigurableService cleanup and added a bunch of javadoc (#3571)
[Test] Avoiding test antipattern in Kapua api (#3632)
[Test] Commons - importing Assert instead of extending (#3629)
[Test] Commons - test fixes (style, not substance) (#3630)
[Test] First batch of test refactorings in kapua services (#3633)
[Test] Further test refactorings in kapua - no semantic changes (#3634)
[Test] Messages - better testing syntax (#3631)
[Test] Refactored KapuaFileUtilsTest (#3641)
[Test] Test classes not longer extending Assert for broker tests (#3628)


[Dependencies] Upgraded Apache Commons Compress from 1.18 to 1.22 - CVE-2021-35515 CVE-2021-35516 CVE-2021-35517 CVE-2021-36090 (#3657)
[Dependencies] Replaced org.apache.sanselan:sanselan with org.apache.commons:commons-imaging - CVE-2018-17201 CVE-2018-17202 (#3654)
[Dependencies] Upgraded Httpcomponents to latest 4.x (#3652)
[Dependencies] Upgraded JUnit dependency from 4.12 to 4.13.2 - CVE-2020-15250 (#3649)
[Dependencies] Upgraded Gson dependencies from 2.7 to 2.10 - CVE-2022-25647 (#3648)
[Dependencies] Upgraded Logback dependencies from 1.2.3 to 1.2.11 - CVE-2021-42550 (#3647)
[Dependencies] Upgraded Snakeyaml dependency from 1.28 to 1.33 - CVE-2022-38752 CVE-2022-38751 CVE-2022-38750 CVE-2022-38749 (#3646)
[Dependencies] Upgraded Jackson dependencies from 2.13.1 to 2.13.4/ - CVE-2020-36518 CVE-2022-42003 CVE-2022-42004 (#3645)
[Dependencies] Upgraded Spring Security from 4.1.3.RELEASE to 4.2.20.RELEASE in Kapua 1.x - CVE-2018-1199 CVE-2020-5408 (#3643)
[Dependencies] Upgraded Netty dependencies from 4.1.60.Final to 4.1.84.Final - CVE-2021-21409 CVE-2021-37136 CVE-2021-37137 CVE-2021-43797 CVE-2022-24823 (#3635)
[Dependencies] Upgraded Shiro dependencies from 1.8.0 to 1.10.0 - CVE-2022-40664 CVE-2022-32532 (#3626)