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@Coduz Coduz released this 01 Oct 09:49
· 2233 commits to develop since this release


⬆️ [CI] Updated GitHub Actions for test coverage reports from Codecov Bash Uploader to codecov-action v4 (#4027)
⬆️ [CI] Update GitHub Actions components (#4028
[Core] Added loggin on components startup (#3923)
[Device Management] feat(deviceManagement): mapped missing DeviceInventoryContainer.state property (#3925)


🐛 [CI] fixed providing of CODECOV_TOKEN to CI steps (#4030)
[Console GWT] fix(console): fixed error reporting for DeviceAssetChannel (#3947)
[Console GWT] Remove unnecessary localization logic (#4038)
[Core] FIX - introduced new changeset to update databasechangelog (#3926)
[Core] FIX - Problem of wrong serialization of ComposedKey fields on the cache (#4032)
🐛 [Core] Added missing error message for KapuaEntityUniquenessException (#4039)
[CORS] FIX - wrong Cors filtering error upon unauthorized API request (#3954)
[Datastore] FIX - LimitExceeded value on Data Metric/Message/Client/Channel GET APIs when more than 10k documents stored (#3919)
[Datastore] FIX - Fix offset limit datastore api (#3920)
[Datastore] FIX - Function "convertToDataIndexes" throwing error when one bad format index is present (#3981)
[Device Management] fix(deviceManagement): fixed validation of DeviceManagementBundle id validation (#3927)
[Device Management] Fix device snapshot handling in XML format (#3935)
[Device Management] fix(deviceManageemntInventory): fixed handling of 'null' state for a InventoryContainer (#3956)
[Documentation] Fix DevicePackage OpenAPI documentation (#3929)
[Documentation] fix(openapi): added missing DeviceInventory schermas to root openapi.yaml (#3930)
[Documentation] FIX - Restored support on XML content option on openApi doc for device snapshots (#3941)
[Documentation] FIX - Restored support on XML content option on openApi doc for device configurations (#3942)
[Documentation] Include clientId field in Device update REST API example (#3953)
[Documentation] fix(openapi): fixed openAPI deviceInventory example (#3958)
[Documentation] Add OpenAPI schema and description for JobStep object (#3985)
[Documentation] FIX - inserted missing elements to "job execution" schema (#3992)
[Documentation] Fix OpenAPI schema for StepProperties of a Job (#3995)
🐛 [Jobs] fixed JobStep.jobStepDefinitionId not being editable (#3991)
[Jobs] Fix default value handling during job step creation (#4052)
[REST API] FIX - Jaxb configuration changed to serialize EntityUniquenessExceptionInfo (#3943)
[REST API] Fix issue with job execution filtering in REST API for start date (#3983)
[REST API] FIX - Added missing @XmlJavaTypeAdapter on some fields of JobExecution (#3994)
🐛 [REST API] Fixed returnNotNullEntity correctly handle null KapuaEntities (#4041)
🐛 [REST API] Fixed DeviceNotConnectedException mapped HTTP error code to be 400 (#4047)
🐛 [REST API] Fixed HTTP error code for DeviceNotConnectedException from 400 to 409 (#4050)
:fix: [REST API] Credential Marshalling (#4053)


[Dependencies] :fix: bumped eclipslink from 2.7.7 to 2.7.12 (#3950)
⬆️ Bump commons-configuration2 from 2.9.0 to 2.10.1 - CVE-2024-29131 (#4037)
⬆️ Bump logback from 1.2.11 to 1.2.13 - CVE-2023-6481 (#4036)