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@Coduz Coduz released this 25 Jul 15:07
· 2233 commits to develop since this release


[Console GWT] The console should provide a way to reset the password of a user (#3733)
[Credentials] Change password functionality should be done in a backend service (#3718)
[Credentials] Missing functionality to reset password (#3720)
[Credentials] Improved CredentialService.getMinimumPasswordLength to handle also ANY as scopeId (#3757)
[Jobs] Step properties field having different names (#3580)
[Jobs] Print job execution log timestamps in ISO 8601 UTC format (#3774)
[Jobs] feat(jobs): Added JobStepProperty overrides on JobEngineStartOptions (#3781)
[Jobs] feat(job): Increased length of JobStepProperty.propertyValue field to allow up to 4GB (#3828)
[System Info] Add endpoint to retrieve system info Enhancement REST API (#3716)
[System Info] Version endpoint should provide more details (#3728)
[User] An authenticated user should be able to change his own profile information Enhancement (#3744)


[Console GWT] Timeout field tooltip should report time in milliseconds (#3738)
[Console GWT] The change password dialog is not fully visible when mfa enabled (#3739)
[Console GWT] Fix - deletion of mandatory property for "displayName" device parameter (#3741)
[Console GWT] Fixed JobTarget showing when Device is not found (#3751)
[Console GWT] FIX - Deployment packages tab throwing a nullPointer exception upon rendering (#3760)
[Console GWT] FIX - mods. to DeviceTab classes to correctly handle background tabs (#3761)
[Console GWT] fix(console): Fixed DeviceSessionPermission reference in kapua-console-module-data module (#3782)
[Console GWT] Fix URL regex marking as invalid legal URL (#3789)
[CORS] Fix - Updated CORS filtering logic to remove false positives (#3750)
[CORS] FIX - modification to cors filtering typo sec-fetch-site check (#3753)
[Credentials] UserCredentialService#changePassword should not calls CredentialsService#update (#3731)
[Datastore] Normalize fields containing dots before querying to es (#3825)
[Deployment] Fix - Added environment deployment variable to define allowed cors origins (#3743)
[Deployment] Fix - changed IMAGE_VERSION env. variable default value (#3779)
[Deployment] fix(deployment): Added missing --help options and fixed usage print do (#3792)
[Device Management] Fix MqttClient exception messages (#3722)
[Device Management] Fix - Inserted device package fields limits (#3808)
[Docker] FIX - removed timestamp from the tag of docker images built (#3784)
[Documentation] Example for GET /systemInfo has a typo (#3746)
[Documentation] [FEATURE] Inserted a way to automatically obtain rest API url endpoint with swagger (#3762)
[Documentation] [FIX] update in openAPI documentation to reach consistency with responseCode field (#3766)
[Documentation] FIX - Reached consistency with enums on openApi doc files (#3767)
[Documentation] FIX - updated readme file to provide a functioning demo setup (#3777)
[Documentation] FIX - fixed missing properties on device Event openAPI.yaml schema definition (#3790)
[Endpoints] Correct retrieval of specific endpoints (#3727)
[Jobs] Added NPE checking on JobEngineClient response error handling (#3724)
[Jobs] Add maximum length to configuration put step definition (#3812)
[Jobs] Fixed handling of jobStepProperty null value when validating (#3827)
[Project] fix(git): Added missing JEnv .java-version in .gitignore (#3783)
[Project] FIX - Cleanup of readme file to fix badges (#3814)
[REST API] Inserted time range filter on job execution rest endpoint (#3723)
[REST API] Various modifications on rest APIs to reach coherence with documentation (#3725)
[REST API] The credentialKey should not be reported in Credential responses (#3735)
[REST API] UserCredentialService#changePasswordRequest should have a more consistent name (#3748)
[REST API] Credential unlock resource should match other "action" resources (#3754)
[REST API] FIX - Added exception mapper for duplicate pass exception (#3805)
[REST API] FIX - changed the logger properties for KapuaDuplicatePasswordCredentialExceptionMapper (#3806)
[REST API] Introduced right exception for metric type null (#3826)
[SSO] Fail to create the correct URL to connect to Auth0 as the external OpenIDConnect provider (#3797)
[Test] FIX - fixed dependencies in cucumber report module (#3769)


[Dependencies] Bumped protobuf-java version from 3.21.9 (3.8.0) to 3.23.2 - CVE-2022-3510 CVE-2022-3509 CVE-2022-3171 CVE-2021-22569 (#3802)