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The KAUST SVD (KSVD) is a high performance software framework for computing a dense SVD on distributed-memory manycore systems.


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The KAUST SVD (KSVD) is a high performance software framework for computing a dense SVD on distributed-memory manycore systems. The KSVD solver relies on the polar decomposition (PD) based on the QR Dynamically-Weighted Halley (QDWH) and ZOLO-PD algorithms, introduced by Nakatsukasa and Higham (SIAM SISC, 2013) and Nakatsukasa and Freund (SIAM Review, 2016), respectively. Based on the Zolotarev rational functions, introduced by Zolotarev in 1877, ZOLO-PD converges within two iterations even for ill-conditioned matrices, instead of the original six iterations required for QDWH, at the cost of performing extra floating-point operations. This translates into a computational challenge with a higher arithmetic complexity for the SVD, compared to the traditional one-stage bidiagonal approach. However, the inherent high level of concurrency associated with QDWH kernels, and even higher with ZOLO-PD, ultimately compensates for the overhead and makes KSVD a competitive SVD solver on large-scale supercomputers.

Current Features of KSVD

  • QDWH-based Polar Decomposition
  • ZOLOPD-based Polar Decomposition
  • Support double precision
  • Support dense two-dimensional block cyclic data distribution
  • Support Support to ELPA Symmetric Eigensolver
  • Support Support to ScaLAPACK D&C and MR3 Symmetric Eigensolvers
  • ScaLAPACK Interface / Native Interface
  • ScaLAPACK-Compliant Error Handling
  • ScaLAPACK-Derived Testing Suite
  • ScaLAPACK-Compliant Accuracy

Programming models (backends) and dependencies:

  1. MPI
  2. ScaLAPACK
  3. Polar decomposition (


Installation requires at least CMake of version 3.2.3. To build KSVD, follow these instructions:

  1. Get KSVD from git repository

    git clone
  2. Go into KSVD folder

    cd ksvd
  3. Create build directory and go there

    mkdir build && cd build
  4. Use CMake to get all the dependencies

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/
  5. To build the testing binaries (optional)

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/ -DKSVD_TESTING:BOOL=ON 
  6. Use CMake to build KSVD based on existing installations of the dependencies

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/ -DKSVD_TESTING:BOOL=ON -DPOLAR_DIR=/path/to/polar/installation -DSCALAPACK_DIR=/path/to/scalapack/installation -DSLTMG_LIBRARIES=/path/to/scalapack/installation/lib/libsltmg.a
  7. Build KSVD

    make -j
  8. Install KSVD

    make install
  9. Add line

     export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/install/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

    to your .bashrc file.

Now you can use pkg-config executable to collect compiler and linker flags for KSVD.

Testing and Timing

The directories testing and timing contain an example to test the accuracy and the performance of KSVD using ill and well-conditioned random matrices.

The complete list of options is available below with -h option:

   "======= KSVD testing using ScaLAPACK\n"
          " -p      --nprow         : Number of MPI process rows\n"
          " -q      --npcol         : Number of MPI process cols\n"
          " -jl     --lvec          : Compute left singular vectors\n"
          " -jr     --rvec          : Compute right singular vectors\n"
          " -n      --N             : Dimension of the matrix\n"
          " -b      --nb            : Block size\n"
          " -m      --mode          : [1:6] Mode from pdlatms used to generate the matrix\n"
          " -k      --cond          : Condition number used to generate the matrix\n"
          " -o      --optcond       : Estimate Condition number using QR\n"
          " -i      --niter             : Number of iterations\n"
          " -r      --n_range           : Range for matrix sizes Start:Stop:Step\n"
          " -polarqdwh --polarqdwh      : Find polar decomposition using QDWH A=UH \n"
          " -polarzolopd --polarzolopd  : Find polar decomposition using ZOLO-PD A=UH \n"
          " -polarsvd  --polarsvd       : Find the polar decomposition using scalapack-svd \n"
          " -s      --slsvd             : Run reference ScaLAPACK SVD\n"
          " -w      --ksvdmr            : Run KSVD with ScaLAPACK MRRR EIG\n"
          " -e      --ksvddc            : Run KSVD with ScaLAPACK DC EIG\n"
          " -l      --ksvdel            : Run KSVD with ScaLAPACK DC EIG\n"
          " -c      --check             : Check the solution\n"
          " -fksvd --profksvd           : Enable profiling KSVD\n"
          " -v      --verbose           : Verbose\n"
          " -h      --help              : Print this help\n" );
 On Cray systems, the launching command typically looks like:

   srun --ntasks=nT --hint=nomultithread ./main --nprow p --npcol q --b 64 --cond 1e16 --niter 1 --n_range start:stop:step --check --qwmr --qwdc --qwel --slsvd

 1. The number of the nodes is N, the number of tasks (nT) = N * (number_of_cores per node ). The programming model is pure MPI (no OpenMP, i.e., sequential BLAS).
 2. PxQ is the process grid configuration, where (nT - PxQ = 0)
 3. To compute the SVD decomposition using KSVD, the polar decomposition is calculated first, then followed by MRRR (--qwmr) or 
 DC (--qwdc) or ELPA-DC (--qwel), as various alternatives for the symmetric eigensolvers.
 4. To use the regular bidiagonal reduction SVD from ScaLAPACK PDGESVD: --slsvd


  1. Add support for the other precisions
  2. Extend to task-based programming model
  3. Port to various dynamic runtime systems (e.g., PaRSEC)
  4. Provide symmetric eigensolvers


  1. H. Ltaief, D. Sukkari, A. Esposito, Y. Nakatsukasa and D. Keyes, Massively Parallel Polar Decomposition on Distributed-Memory Systems, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Parallel Computing TOPC,, 2018.
  2. D. Sukkari, H. Ltaief, A. Esposito and D. Keyes, A QDWH-Based SVD Software Framework on Distributed-Memory Manycore Systems, Submitted to ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software TOMS,, 2017.
  3. D. Sukkari, H. Ltaief, M. Faverge, and D. Keyes, Asynchronous Task-Based Polar Decomposition on Massively Parallel Systems, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems TPDS, volume 29, pages 312–323,, 2017.
  4. D. Sukkari, H. Ltaief and D. Keyes, A High Performance QDWH-SVD Solver using Hardware Accelerators, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software TOMS, vol. 43 (1), pp. 1-25, 2016.
  5. D. Sukkari, H. Ltaief and D. Keyes, High Performance Polar Decomposition for SVD Solvers on Distributed Memory Systems, Best Papers, Proceedings of the 22nd International Euro-Par Conference,, 2016.
  6. D.Sukkari, H. Ltaief and D. Keyes, A High Performance QDWH-SVD Solver using Hardware Accelerators, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software TOMS, http://doi.acm. org/10.1145/2894747, volume 43, pages 6:1–6:25, 2016.
  7. Y. Nakatsukasa and N. J. Higham, Stable and Efficient Spectral Divide and Conquer Algorithms for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Decomposition and the SVD, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. A1325–A1349,, 2013.
  8. Y. Nakatsukasa, R. Freund, using Zolotarev's Rational Approximation for Computing the Polar, Symmetric Eigenvalue, and Singular Value Decompositions, SIAM Review,, 2016.


Please feel free to create an issue on Github for any questions and inquiries.



The KAUST SVD (KSVD) is a high performance software framework for computing a dense SVD on distributed-memory manycore systems.








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