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Load Generator Adapter

Service for providing convenient API for working with several load-generation engines, such as Yandex-Tank, etc.


To run server on local machine it is recommended to use docker compose

docker-compose up

To build new docker image of load-generator-adapter:

./gradlew -DproductionMode=true vaadinBuildFrontend build
docker build --tag edikgoose/load-generator-adapter:latest .


  1. Yandex tank core

    Web server of Yandex tank for load generation. The docker image generated using this fork

  2. Influx

    Time series database. Used by Yandex tank to write metrics of load test

  3. Grafana

    Used to visualize load test results. For each test service push new dashboard that takes data from InfluxDB

  4. PostgreSQL

    Used to store meta information about load tests (such as grafana dashboard url, title, etc.)

  5. Load Generation Adapter

    The service itself

  6. Web-server

    Simple hello-world web-server with one endpoint: /get-hello

    Used to test service functionality


To check API of the service go to http://localhost:8087/swagger-ui/index.html endpoint

For method /run:

Param Name Description Example
title Name of the test Test my awesome service with 15k rps
hostName Host name of the target service web-server
port Port of the target service 8080
uris URIs of the target endpoints ["get-hello", "/get-hi"]
loadGeneratorEngine Type of the load generator YANDEX_TANK
loadScheme Load generation scheme line(1, 15, 1m)

For load scheme it's available following type:

  1. step (a,b,step,dur) makes stepped load, where a,b are start/end load values, step - increment value, dur - step duration. Examples:

    • step(25, 5, 5, 60) - stepped load from 25 to 5 rps, with 5 rps steps, step duration 60s.
    • step(5, 25, 5, 60) - stepped load from 5 to 25 rps, with 5 rps steps, step duration 60s
  2. line (a,b,dur) makes linear load, where a,b are start/end load, dur - the time for linear load increase from a to b. Examples:

    • line(10, 1, 10m) - linear load from 10 to 1 rps, duration - 10 minutes
    • line(1, 10, 10m) - linear load from 1 to 10 rps, duration - 10 minutes
  3. const (load,dur) makes constant load. load - rps amount, dur - load duration. Examples:

    • const(10,10m) - constant load for 10 rps for 10 minutes.
    • const(0, 10) - 0 rps for 10 seconds, in fact 10s pause in a test.

Service env variables:

Param Name Description Example
DB_URL URL to Psql DB jdbc:postgresql://load-generator-postgres:5432/load_generator_adapter
DB_USERNAME Username of the Psql postgres
DB_PASSWORD Password of the Psql password
YANDEX_TANK_BASE_URL URL to yandex tank load generator http://tank-server:8888
GRAFANA_BASE_URL URL to Grafana http://grafana:3000
GRAFANA_USERNAME Grafana admin username admin
GRAFANA_PASSWORD Grafana admin passowrd admin


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