Welcome to my Github! I make codes to learn new things and help other people learn it too 😅 .
📆 I am currently work as a Associate Consultant for Sophos Solutions. I support frontend, backend and do functional testing for Tuya client.
I have expirience with Java, Spring boot, Spring web, Spring security, Spring JPA, Angular, React, Drupal, etc. Actually I'm working finding and fixing vulnerabilities in some Tuya API's.
I did a some courses about software they were my pragramming knowlodge base. Some courses were:
- Java SE & Java EE. Desde principiante a experto + 150 hrs - Pildorasinformaticas.com
- Spring framework I and II - UT view comfenalco
- Four cicles (200hr each one), in Mision Tic, covering several programming languages and technologies, which strengthened me in my specialization as a fullstack developer.
- Microservicios con Spring Boot y Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka - Udemy
- RestFull, Apis y Microservicios - SPAcademy
- Amazon API Gateway for serverless applications - AWS training and certification
- AWS Lambda fundations - AWS training and certification.
- And any others courses...
- At Sophos Solutions as Associate consultant;
- Using
Electronic engineer bachelor, in UdeA (Universidad de Antioquia)
find more information about me!
⭐️ From Edisson