Releases: edit4ever/script.module.zap2xml
zap2xml kodi addon
This fixes an issue with sorting for strange channel numbers. (like having letters in the channel number)
This cause the xmltv.xml file not to be generated.
v0.7.5 - remove channel number sort for xmltv write - fix for strange channel numbers
v0.7.3 - fix executable on ubuntu
zap2xml kodi addon - special version
- fix for non-standard channel numbers
*** Please delete your userdata settings for zap2xml if upgrading from v0.7.1 or earlier.
zap2xml kodi addon
fixes an issue with the separators in the xtra details description
zap2xml kodi addon
This release fixes zap2it login errors and also adds a function to delete the listings cache. Deleting the cache can solve issues with updating "favorite" channels.
zap2xml kodi addon
This release fixes an issue with the display of the ampersand and apostrophe characters
zap2xml kodi addon
This release fixes an issue with missing xdetails downloads that caused an error.
zap2xml kodi addon
This release should solve the program icon issue that some people have been seeing. It also fixes issues with foreign language characters.
In addition, this build contains a new set of separators for the "Append Extra Details" option. You now can choose from the following separators:
Bullet / Hyphen / Line Break / Space / Colon / Vertical Bar / Slash / Comma
Unfortunately, this required a rearranging of that option list that will likely mess up your current list and you will need to reconfigure your settings.
If after upgrading you have issues with the "Append Extra Details" list, you may need to delete your user settings for zap2xml and reconfigure them.
zap2xml kodi addon
Updated release contains new xtra details sort option
zap2xml kodi addon
zap2xml is an epg grabber which creates an xmltv file from data scraped from Zap2it or TVguide listings.
zap2xml kodi addon
zap2xml is an epg grabber which creates an xmltv file from data scraped from Zap2it or TVguide listings.