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CSL package for Zotero to automate the formatting of citations during submissions to the Annales Françaises de Médecine d'Urgence.


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Zotero package for A.F.M.U. submission

Zotero CSL package to automate citation formatting when submitting to Annales Françaises de Médecine d'Urgence.


(1) Download the .csl file in this repository.

(2) Make sure Zotero is open.

(3) Go into the "Edition" menu.

(4) Open Zotero preferences. Click Cite, then Styles, then the "+" button, and select the style you downloaded (a . CSL file).

(5) Click "OK" in the popup to add the citation style to Zotero.

It should be added automatically!


You need to uncheck the automatic button searching for journal abbreviations in Medline.


Please if you use this package for research, quote it as this:

Lansiaux E (2025) Un nouvel outil pour le formatage des citations destinées aux Annales françaises de médecine d’urgence à l’aide de Zotero. Ann Fr Med Urgence 15 :1-2. doi : 10.1684/afmu.2025.0653

Reporting errors

If this CSL style doesn’t give the expected output, first make sure that you are running the latest version of Zotero and have the most recent version of the style installed from the Zotero Style Repository. Once you have made sure that the style deviates from the style guide, instructions for authors, or published examples, report the error in the Zotero Forums. For your post, use the title “Style Error: [Name of style]”, and give a link to, or excerpt from, the style guide that shows that the CSL style is wrong. You can also try to edit the style yourself.

Furthermore, you could contact here the AFMUZotero package author in order to solve it.

Rules for the A.F.M.U.

The whole, written on a separate file, includes only the references cited in the article. References are arranged in the order of appearance in the text and numbered. The bibliographic reference is made directly in the text, by the reference number in square brackets, before the final point of the sentence. International standards are used as follows:

For a book :

  • Author's name in lowercase followed by a space and the initial of the first name (Dupont J). If the reference has two to four authors, a comma will separate the initial of the first name of the first and the last name of the second. If there are more than four authors, only the names and initials of the first three authors will be indicated and then followed by “et al”; year of publication in parentheses;
  • full title followed by a period. In the case of a chapter or part extracted from a work, indicate after the title “In:” followed by the name(s) and initial(s) of the main author(s) (followed by 'a comma) and the title of the work followed by a period. Publisher (followed by a comma), place of publication (followed by a comma), and cited page numbers separated by a hyphen.

Example : Casalino E (2014) Les urgences : du constat de la maltraitance à un projet qualité basé sur la bientraitance. In: Schmitt M, Bientraitance et qualité de vie, outils et retour d’expériences. Elsevier Masson Ed., Paris, 213-23

For an article :

As before for first and last names. Year of publication in parentheses. Full title of the article. Title of the journal (abbreviated if possible, following the international nomenclature of the Index Medicus). Volume followed by a colon, without a space before and after the colon, followed by the numbers of the pages concerned separated by a hyphen and without a period.

Example : Hausfater P, Mégarbane B, Dautheville S, et al (2010) Prognostic factors in non-exertional heatstroke. Intensive Care Med 36:272-80

For websites:

The date of last access to the site must be included at the end:

Example : Samu-urgences de France (2016) Livre blanc. Organisation de la médecine d’urgence en France : un défi pour l’avenir. (Dernier accès le 5 janvier 2016)

For regulatory texts:

Institution promulgating the text. Year of publication in parentheses. Full title of the regulation. Publication work. Website (Last accessed on …).

Example: République Française (2015) Décret n° 2016-1597 du 25 novembre 2016 relatif à l'organisation du troisième cycle des études de médecine et modifiant le code de l'éducation. JORF n°0276 du 27 novembre 2016 (Dernier accès le 1 Novembre 2023).

Abstracts older than 3 years cannot be cited as references.


CSL package for Zotero to automate the formatting of citations during submissions to the Annales Françaises de Médecine d'Urgence.








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