- About
- [Technologies used](#-Technologies used)
- [How to run the project](#-How to run the project)
- Preview
This is a project developed during ** [Next Level Week] (https://nextlevelweek.com/) **, carried out by ** [@Rocketseat] (https://github.com/Rocketseat) ** during 3 to 9 August 2020.
The project proposal is an application that can connect those who want to learn, and want to teach. You can find students for what you teach, or find the teacher for that subject you always wanted to learn more about! Without any area limitation !!
The project is developed using the following technologies:
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Nunjucks
- SQLite
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/guilhermecapitao/proffy-discovery
# Enter directory
cd proffy-discovery
# Download dependencies
npm i
# Run the server
npm run dev
That done, open your browser and access http://localhost:5500/