Currently, this PCB is in the TESTING Stages
Based off of the Circuit from Steve Ward and BackMacSci's Video, I decided to make my own PCB Design for the Circuit.
All Ideas to the Papers Are Linked Below
Variable power supply / 50 - 100 W laptop power supply
16 AWG copper wire or ¼” copper tubing (1 uH inductor)
20-26 AWG copper wire (10 uH inductor) OR
(Mouser #: 81-LQH32NH100J23L; Mfr. #: LQH32NH100J23L )
2, 0.5W 1k resistors
(Mouser #: 652-CHP0805AFX1001EL; Mfr. #: CHP0805AFX-1001ELF )
10k potentiometer
(Mouser #: 581-601030; Mfr. #: 601030 )
100V, 1uF capacitor
(Mouser #: 80-C1210C105K1RACTM; Mfr. #: C1210C105K1RACTM )
4, 6kV, 33 pF ceramic dipped capacitors
(Mouser #: 810-CC45SL3JD330JYGN; Mfr. #: CC45SL3JD330JYGNA )
2, 450V, 4.7 nF C0G 0805 SMD capacitors
(Mouser #: 810-C2012C0G2W472JAA; Mfr. #: C2012C0G2W472J125AA )
FDA18N50 or FDH44N50 Mosfet
(Mouser #: 512-FDA18N50; Mfr. #: FDA18N50 )
Mosfet hardware (for securing mosfet to the heatsink)
Large heatsink
12V fan
Borosilicate glass globe filled with 15 torr xenon gas
Oscilloscope, multimeter, soldering iron