- Flow diagram opzet
- Veld validatie magic input
- Goblin
- Witch profile component
- Witches maken
- Goblin exit stap
- Goblin opruimen, spells eruit enzo
- Raadsel en puns pagina's maken
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In the eventual game these will be spread out over the players.
Glacius Freezes the target with icy-cold air.
Orchideous Conjures a bouquet of flowers.
Flipendo Knocks objects and creatures backwards.
{/*Furnunculus Covers the target in boils (or pimples).
*/}Ferula Conjures up bandages and wraps them around a wound, splinting any broken bones.
Relashio The Revulsion Jinx (Relashio) is a jinx that forces the target to release its grip on whatever it is holding. It works on both living and inanimate targets, so long as it is holding something.
Obliviate Erase specific memories.
Incendio Produces fire.