That quiet kid writing code.
He/Him, 26th of Feb, from Turkey.
Everything I used before:
All my accounts:
last updated: 30 Dec
Name | Type | Main Stat |
FancyHealthBar | Minecraft Mod made with Fabric | 39k+ Downloads |
BetterArmorHUD | Minecraft mod made with Fabric | 4.7k+ Downloads |
AwakenSMPOnline | Minecraft Plugin made with Spigot | 1.6k Downloads |
Minecraft Project Manager | Extension for Visual Studio Code | 1k+ Installs |
Translator (🇺🇸->🇹🇷) at Continuity,Skoice,Resource Cracker,Resource Nether Ores Cracker
Code Contributor (2
) at
Multi-Lingual Developer. Works mainly in Java
Knows the following languages enough to make something using them:
- Java
- Typescript
- Javascript
- C#
- Lua
You can support me to motivate me and help me making more advanced projects, such as ones involving cloud features. You'll also get these perks:
- Special role on Discord
- Early-accesses
- Priority over other people when you want to contact me