(in progress)
Title | Description | Type | Original |
enna | Greeter for spawny | Lib | github |
kiosk | Kiosk application based on Enlightenment Foundation Libraries | App | github |
calendar | Simple calendar elementary app | App | github |
car_racing | Car racing game | Game | github |
Clouseau | UI inspection tool aimed to debug EFL applications | Dev | github |
ecef | App | github | |
echart2 | Chart library based on the EFL | Lib | github |
Ecomorph | Compositing manager (need ecomp) | Dev | github |
ecomp | OpenGL compositing manager based on compiz | Dev | github |
ecrire | Text Editor for EFL/Enlightenment (old) | App | github |
ecrire-obsidian | Text Editor for EFL/Enlightenment | App | github |
Ede | "Tower Defense" game | Game | github |
Edi | The Enlightened IDE | App | gitea |
edje-theme-spec | Prints out all grous with all parts/signal, which are standard namespaced | Dev | github |
edocgen | EFL documentation generator | Dev | github |
eem | Raster's stuff | App | github |
eenvader.fractal | Envaders game using efl | Game | github |
efl_ui_cc | Little transpiler that creates c code form a json file | Util | github |
efl-egueb | Library that provides a set of useful APIs for easy integration of Egueb on EFL | Lib | github |
efl-egueb-core | Library to provide a full state C interface for W3C technologies | Lib | github |
efl-egueb-eon | XML definition to build widget based applications based on [Egueb] | Lib | github |
efl-egueb-taruka | Egueb editor | App | github |
eflete | EFL Edje Theme Editor | App | github |
efl-mobile-compositor | Mobile compositor (Tizen) | Dev | github |
efl-mono-exml | Suite of libraries and tools to work with EFL-based XML UI files | Dev | github |
efm2 | New E filemanager (by raster) | App | github |
e-fprint-gui | App | github | |
eirc | Ecore friendly library that uses libircclient | Lib | github |
elbow | EFL based browser (Early stage) | App | github |
elementary-presenter | Presentation tool using Elementary | App | github |
elemines | EFL minesweeper clone (written in c) | Game | github |
elemines-css | EFL minesweeper clone (written in cpp) | Game | github |
Elicit | Designers tool to magnify sections of the screen and select colors from any application | App | github |
ElmQuizduell | Implementation of the popular trivia game "Quizkampen" ("Quizduell" in German) | Game | github |
elm-theme-viewer | Elementary theme viewer | Dev | github |
empc | Client for MPD written using EFL | App | github |
emqtt | MQTT-SN broker implementation using ecore-con (EFL) | Lib | github |
enews | EFL RSS reader | App | github |
Enigmatic | App | github | |
Enjoy | Music Player | App | github |
Enna | Media Center application | App | github |
enotes | Note program | App | github |
enotes2 | Note program (new) | App | github |
Entice | Simple cross-platform image viewer with basic features | App | github |
entrance | Login (display) manager | App | github |
Enventor | EDC script editor that supports text editing and previewing functions for the EDC source code | App | gitea |
entrance-obsidian | App | github | |
Enventor | EDC (Edje Data Collections) script editor | App | github |
Eovim | EFL GUI client for Neovim | App | github |
eperiodique | Simple Periodic Table Of Elements viewer using elementary and edje | App | github |
Ephoto | Comprehensive image viewer written using the core EFL | App | github |
Esskyuehl | Completely asynchronous client-side SQL library (ESQL) | Lib | github |
Estate | C library to create Finite State Machines (FSM) | Lib | github |
eTodo | Todo manager written by EFL | App | github |
Etrophy | Library that manages scores, trophies and unlockables | Lib | github |
Étui | Multiple Document Library and Viewer | App | github |
Evisum | System Monitor | App | github |
ewpi | EFL Windows package installer | App | github |
Exactness | Pixel perfect regression testing tool for Elementary based applications | Dev | github |
expedite | Detailed and comprehensive benchmark suite for Evas | Dev | github |
Express | Efl based IRC Client | App | github |
Extra | App which allows you to install elementary themes on your computer | App | github |
fap_bird | Small game with ephysics | Game | github |
ffi-efl | A ruby ffi binding to EFL libraries | Dev | github |
libeweather | Lib | github | |
netslap | Dev | github | |
omc | User interface development for GeeXboX | App | github |
omc-evas | EVAS-based UI for GeeXboX 2.x | App | github |
PINEntry | Collection of PIN or passphrase entry dialogs (with efl suppport) | App | github |
Rage | Video/Audio player | App | github |
Terminology | EFL terminal emulator | App | github |
Verne | Filemanager based on Elementary and EFL | App | github |
wall-e | File viewer written with EFL | App | github |
wallpaper-slideshow | Slideshow your wallpapers | App | github |
Whac-A-Mole | Game introduced in Microsoftware computer programming magazine in Korea | Game | github |