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@ehazlett ehazlett released this 23 Dec 07:14


  • Added cluster info command to show high level cluster information
  • Add cli option for configuring target containerd namespace
  • Added robust cluster startup (see details below)
  • Move to config file based configuration (see more info below)
  • Add ability to create/restart/delete single services in apps
  • Add ability to generate profile by SIGUSR1
  • TLS support in GRPC server and client
  • Add cluster event system (via NATS)
  • Fixed build issues (#14, #16)

Cluster Startup Improvements

Previously, care needed to be taken when starting the initial node. The initial node is responsible for bootstrapping the cluster and provides info to the rest of the cluster. If the initial node was stopped (i.e. machine reboot, etc) it would need a peer added to the config file in order to join the cluster. This behavior has been significantly improved.

With this release, the cluster starts much more reliable. Each node will cache its peer list upon Element level node events. When starting, if no peers are in the configuration and there are peers in the cache, Stellar will attempt to connect to one of the peers. If the join fails, it starts as an initial node. If the node starts with peers configured, it will attempt to join those, the cache peers and finally fail if none are detected. This makes restarts much more reliable and stable.


One of the primary goals for Stellar is easy deployment via simple binaries. As we added more config options the flags were getting out of control. With this release we now use a configuration file. You can generate a config file with the stellar config option. There are also common flags available for things like detecting the IP on a specific interface to use in the config.

Thanks to all that have used it and reported issues :)