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Cordova plugin for elepay SDK.


cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-elepay

This plugin only wraps basic elepay native SDK(iOS/Android). As native elepay SDK(iOS/Android) may require individual dependences as the used payment methods, please refer to the offical guide for details.


The native SDK requires iOS 10 and above. Please make sure both your project and Podfile settings are correct.


Cordova plugin for elepay SDK requires "minSdkVersion" being at 21 or above. You may need to adjust this value from your project's build.gradle file.


// All modules are exported to the `cordova.plugins.ElepayCordova`

// Setup elepay SDK.
// The parameter object could contain the following fields:
// "publicKey": String value. Required. Can be retrieved from your elepay account's dashboard page.
// "hostUrl": String value. Optional. Indicates the server url that you want to customised. Omitted to use elepay's server.
// "googlePayEnvironment": String value. "test" or "production". Used to setup Google Pay, can be omitted if Google Pay is not used.
// "languageKey": String value. Availabile values are "English", "SimplifiedChinise", "TraditionalChinese" and "Japanese". Could be omitted. elepay SDK will try to use the system language settings, and fallback to "English" if no supported languages are found.
  publicKey: "the public key string",
  apiUrl: "a customised url string, can be omitted",
  googlePayEnvironment: "either 'test' or 'product' if presented. Can be omitted if Google Pay is not used",
  languageKey: "one of 'English', 'SimplifiedChinise', 'TraditionalChinese', 'Janapese'. Can be omitted."

// Change localization of elepay UI component.
// Currently elepay SDK supports the following 4 languages:
//  * English
//  * Simplified Chinese
//  * Traditional Chinese
//  * Japanese
// Note: this method should be called **AFTER** `initElepay` and before `handlePayment`.
// Any invoking before `initELepay` won't work. But this method only required being called once.
    languageKey: 'Japanese'

// Process payment after charging.
// "payload" is a JSON object that the charge API returned. For API details, please refer to
// The result is passed through the callbacks.
// The first callback is called when the payment handling is succeeded. The "response" parameter is a JSON object in a structure of:
// {
//   "state": "succeeded",
//   "paymentId": "the payment id"
// }
// The second callback is called when the payment handling is either cancelled or failed.
// When user cancelled the payment, the "failure" parameter is:
// {
//   "state": "cancelled",
//   "paymentId": "the payment id"
// }
// When something is wrong while processing the payment, the parameter is in a structure of:
// {
//   "state": "cancelled",
//   "paymentId": "the payment id",
//   "error": {
//     "code": "error code"
//     "reasose": "the reason of the error"
//     "message": "the detail message"
//   }
// }
  function(response) {
      // Called when payment is handled successfully.
  function(failure) {
      // Called when payment handling is failed or cancelled.


Some payment methods(like Line Pay, PayPay, etc.) require to process the payment out of your app. You need to setup the app with extras configurations. Please refer to the payment method settings overview page for detail.


Your app needs to be configured with URL scheme and LSApplicationQueriesSchemes. For detail configurations, please refere to elepay iOS SDK document

As the cordova's offical document suggested, in your app's JavaScript source file, add the following code to let Cordova framework invokes the callback.

function handleOpenURL(url) {
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 0);


Url schemes configurations are required. Please refer to the payment method settings overview page for detail.


  1. Some payment methods may require special configs on your project. Please be sure you have read the document of elepay iOS/Android SDK.
  1. If you see the building error indicating that "SWIFT_VERSION" is missing when building for iOS, you should change the configuration of the iOS project by specifying the SWIFT_VERSION item. The configuration item can be found in the "Build Settings" tab of your iOS project if you open the project from Xcode.

  2. Because elepay SDK uses AndroidX internally, the callback Activitys uses themes defined from Theme.AppCompat. If your application has not defined themes inheriting from Theme.AppCompat, you need to add definations to the styles.xml file of your project in android platform folder and use it as the theme of the callback Activitys. Take LinePay callback Activity as example:

    <!-- in styles.xml -->
    <!-- Elepay activity theme. -->
    <style name="ElepayTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<!-- in AndroidManifest.xml -->
<activity android:exported="true" android:name="jp.elestyle.androidapp.elepay.activity.linepay.LinePayActivity" android:theme="@style/ElepayTheme">


Cordova plugin for elepay SDK






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