This project is an introduction to network problematics.
Netwhat will allow you to discover the network and to learn about its inner workings. This will allow you to understand how some things work that you already use in your everyday life.
Before to Start, study study the section "Basic Concepts", the topics described below. When you're ready start with your training with the following program done in Python:
01. If an Ethernet port on a router were assigned an IP address of, which host address would be able to communicate with it?
Your Answer: c
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First of all, you should know a few things:
It is a network address for our computers and the internet knows where to send informations and data. Every website (42, Microsoft, Apple, etc.) has a unique IP address, but it goes by its name instead (42, Microsoft, Apple, etc.) But without IP addresses you couldn't connect with them and they couldn't share information with you. IP Addres is composed of: [ network ] [ host ] IP Addres Example:
A Netmask is a 32-bit "mask" used to divide an IP address into subnets and specify the network's available hosts.
It is called a subnet mask because it is used to identify network address of an IP address by perfoming a bitwise AND operation on the netmask.
<network> <subnet> <host>
Highest IP address in a subnet or network, used as the destination IP address for broadcast messages.
Netmask is a 32-bit "mask" used to divide an IP address into subnets and specify the network's available hosts. is applied to the , the result is the IPv4 address of AND =
In binary form, the operation is:
10000001.10010000.00101001.01100101 <== (IPv4 address)
11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 <==(netmask)
Public Ip can to be static or dynamic.
- A static address is unchanged and is often for hosting websites, server.
- A dynamic address are chasen from a "pool" of available addresses and will be changed each time user connects.
IP address in class A, class B and class C.
Class | Starting IP address | Ending Ip Address | # of hots |
A | | | 16,777,216 |
B | | | 1,048,576 |
C | | | 65,536 |
TCP (Transmision Control Protocol) Main protocols of the internet protol suite.
- Keeps track of lost packages, makes sure that lost packages are re-sent
- Addes sequesce numbers to packets and reorders any packets that arrive in thenworng order.
- Slower, because of all added additional functionality.
- Requieres more computer resources, because the OS needs to keep track of ongoing communication sessions and manage them on a much deeper level.
- Doesn't keep track of lost packages
- Doesn't care about package arrival order.
- Faster, bacause it lacks any extra features.
- Requieres less computer resources.
- Examples of programs and services that use UPD:
- IP telephony
- Many computer games
Why we use UDP?
Many applications that requiere real-time communication prefer to use UDP, applications that requiere speed and that torerat partial data loss.
In the seven-layer OSI model of computer network, the network layer is layer 3. The network layer is responsible for packet forwarding including routing through intermediate routers.
The Open System Interconnection (OSI). It has been developed by ISO - 'International Organization of Standardization'. It is a 7 layer architecture with each layer having specific functionality to perform. All tese 7 layers work collaboratively to transmit the data fr4om one person to another across the globe.
Layer | Kind |
Application Layer | software layer |
Presentatation layer | software layer |
Session Layer | software layer |
Transport Layer | Heart of OSI |
Network Layer | hardware Layer |
Data Link Layer | hardware Layer |
Physical layer | hardware Layer |
DHCP server: DHCP (Dynamic Host Confivguration Protocol), is a protocol that provides quick, automatic, and central management for the distribution of IP addresses within a network. DHCP is also used to configure the subnet mask, default gateway and DNS server information on the device.
Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of internet. Web browsers interact through Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load internet resources.
The Domain Network System (DNS) protocol helps internet users and network devises discover websites using human-readable hostnames, instead of numeric IP addresses.
- Routing is the process by which data packets move from one node (machine or device) to another on a computer network until the packets reach the final destination.
The header information includes:
- The IP addresses of the source and destination nodes.
- Packet numbers that help reassemble the packets in the correct order whe the packets reach the destination.
- Other useful technical information.
It allows devices within one network to send information to devises within another network. If you are requestiong a certain web page, the trafic is first sent to your default gateay before leaving the local network to reach its indended destination.
In computer networking, a port is a communication endpoint. At the software level, within an operating system, a port is a logical construct that identifies a specific process or a type of network service. Ports are identified for each protocol and address combination by 16-bit unsigned numbers, commonly known as the port number. The most common protocols that use port numbers are the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
🔈 References :
- How to Find the Broadcast Address
- Introduction to Networking
- IP-Calculator
- How does DNS work?
- What Is an Ethernet Port
- ips addres calculation table by Michael Giraldo @mgiraldo 👦
- training to nwtwhat
👧 🎆 The concepts were extracted from various web resources for educational purposes only.