A database adapter plugin for ElizaOS that provides PostgreSQL connectivity with vector embedding support for semantic search capabilities.
- Seamless integration with ElizaOS memory and knowledge storage systems
- Vector embedding storage and retrieval with pgvector extension
- Support for multiple embedding models and dimensions (OpenAI, Ollama, GaiaNet)
- Robust connection management with automatic retries and circuit breaking
- Full transaction support for safe database operations
- Comprehensive memory, relationship, and knowledge management
- Built-in caching system
- PostgreSQL 15+ with pgvector extension installed
- Connection permissions to create tables and extensions
Install the adapter via npm:
npm install @elizaos/adapter-postgres
Or using pnpm:
pnpm add @elizaos/adapter-postgres
Add the adapter to your ElizaOS configuration and provide the necessary connection details:
// agent.config.js
export default {
// Other ElizaOS configuration
adapters: ["postgres"],
// PostgreSQL connection environment variables
settings: {
POSTGRES_URL: "postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/elizaos"
- Required PostgreSQL connection string
The adapter automatically initializes the required database schema when first connecting, including:
- Setting up the pgvector extension
- Creating all necessary tables (memories, accounts, rooms, etc.)
- Configuring indexes for vector search
The schema includes tables for:
- User and agent profilesrooms
- Conversation containersmemories
- Messages and other memory objects with vector embeddingsgoals
- User and agent goalsparticipants
- Room participation recordsrelationships
- Connections between accountsknowledge
- Agent knowledge base with vector embeddingscache
- Key-value cache storage
The adapter uses pgvector to provide semantic search through vector embeddings, supporting:
- Multiple embedding models (OpenAI, Ollama, GaiaNet, etc.)
- Automatic dimension detection (1536 for OpenAI, 1024 for Ollama, etc.)
- Cosine similarity search with configurable thresholds
- Text-based keyword search with Levenshtein distance
The adapter provides methods for:
// Creating memories with vector embeddings
await adapter.createMemory(memory, tableName);
// Searching memories by vector similarity
await adapter.searchMemoriesByEmbedding(embedding, options);
// Retrieving memories by various criteria
await adapter.getMemories({ roomId, tableName, count, unique });
For agent knowledge base management:
// Store knowledge items with vector embeddings
await adapter.createKnowledge(knowledgeItem);
// Search knowledge by vector similarity and text
await adapter.searchKnowledge({
match_threshold: 0.8,
match_count: 10,
searchText: "optional text"
// Remove knowledge
await adapter.removeKnowledge(knowledgeId);
The adapter includes a built-in caching system:
// Store cache values
await adapter.setCache({ key, agentId, value });
// Retrieve cached values
const value = await adapter.getCache({ key, agentId });
// Delete cache entries
await adapter.deleteCache({ key, agentId });
The adapter implements robust connection handling:
- Circuit breaker pattern to prevent cascading failures
- Automatic connection retry with exponential backoff
- Connection pooling with configurable limits
- Graceful connection cleanup on shutdown
The repository includes a comprehensive test suite:
# Run tests with Docker for pgvector support
cd src/__tests__
Tests require Docker to spin up a PostgreSQL instance with pgvector support.
pnpm build
Connection errors:
- Verify your PostgreSQL connection string
- Ensure PostgreSQL is running and accessible
- Check network connectivity and firewall settings
Vector search issues:
- Verify pgvector extension is installed in your PostgreSQL database
- Ensure embedding dimensions match your model
Permission errors:
- The database user needs permission to create extensions and tables
- For production, consider using a more restricted user after initialization