Easily usable with ASP.NET (Core or later).
Implemented by C# .NET 8
The purpose of this project is to easily build and operate a ASP.NET web server.
- ElasticSearch usage to easy.
- RabbitMQ usage to easy.
- WebSocket usage to easy.
- ASP.NET Web API usage to easy.
- Common Protocol (with Common Header), Common Spec, Easy Setup, Exception Handling, Validation
- Swagger usage to easy.
- MongoDB usage to easy.
- And more included C# utility codes
- MongoDB Connection String
- MongoDB Database Name
change notification collect rule by hook-url and channel. (slack)
upgrade to dotnet 9. update using packages. remove rabbitmq extends.
collect and send notification messages
upgrade EzMongoDb version v1.0.4
WebHookLoopingService HttpTaskRun Interval to 5sec
fixed WebHookLoopingService HttpTaskRun to Async (await)
webhook use in-memory to mongo db.
use .NET 8
Recovery of the ability to blow web hooks only for data containing specific keywords
Fixed not operation filterKeyword errors. And remove keyword variable in Notification.
Added error message on SlackWebHook failed.
Support forcing mongodb connection string and database settings via environment variables
Improve exception mandling & message.
Remove JsonUtil.ConvertTo method.
change string.IsNullOrEmpty return false to true on ContainsKeyword in Notification (webhook)
added notification prefix and postfix. changed notification keyword to notification filter keyword.
Moved MongoDb function To EzMongoDb (https://github.com/elky84/EzMongoDb)
Added AutoMapper and MapperUtil. (AutoMapper Util)
Disable cookie security configration. (for http) Added port to RabbitMq Configuration.
Added file logging configuration from serilog.json.
Added file logging to default option.
Added InternalServer header to missing HttpClient method.
Upgrade version EzAspDotNet.Protocols. (1.0.3 -> 1.0.4)
Upgrade version EzAspDotNet.Protocols. (1.0.0 -> 1.0.3)
Added HttpClientService.
Maximum webhook attachment size 50
Seperate Protocol function to EzAspDotNet.Protocols package.
Fixed webhook error. (cause by v1.0.34)
Fixed multithreading issues in webhook process. (List to ConcurrentBag)
Fixed multithreading issues in webhook process.
Change use to Slack webhooks group by HookUrl and Channel (Discord webhook not used Channel)
Integrate MongoDbWebUtil. https://github.com/elky84/MongoDbWebUtil Remove namespace MongoDbWebUtil. (move to EzAspDotNet)
Support webhook groupping. Avoid having to pass a webhook timestamp value.
Fixed discord time stamp issue.
Support webhook data single or multi embed. (support twice)
Support webhook data multi embed.
Improve discord webhook formatting. (More information)
Improve discord webhook formatting. Added discord webhook Unit Test.
Fix discord webhook image embeds error.
Fix discord webhook formatting.
Improve Protocol header. (Removed similar variables)
Typo correction (ToIntRegx() -> ToIntRegex())
Support Alert optional field. (Notification.Data.WebHook)
Improved Slack Alarm Readability
added general utility codes (from EzAspDotNet)
- LoopingService
- RepeatedService
- ClassUtil
- CollectionUtil
- HttpClientUtil (integrate to HttpClient.Extend)
- JsonUtil
- StringUtil (integrate)
- TupleUtil
- TypesUtil
features added WebHook (Slack, Discord)