Releases: elliot-huffman/ARF-Converter
The Well Read Update!
v5.1.3, The Well Read Update!
Did you think that this program was not smart? Well, don your nerd glasses because that changed with this update, the program is now book smart with a dictionary(s)! This update changes the variable systems of the console version and the GUI version to a dictionary setup. In the GUI version this will dramatically increase the flexibility of setting settings and will allow for future updates. The console version was changed to allow for easier code sharing between the versions.
change log:
- Updated .gitignore for easier program testing.
- Changed variable systems to dictionary backed frameworks.
This version was tested with Python 3.5.2
The Classy Update!
v5.1.2, The Classy Update!
This update changes the mostly function based program to ~%50 class and ~%50 function. Now you can go to the cool kids' parties and hang with them. Check out the changelog for the deets.
- Added .gitignore for Visual Studio Code.
- GUI: All windows are now rendered via a class.
- Removed unnecessary function.
- Both: Removed global variables (bad programming technique) from console version and most from the GUI version.
- Both: Init_script s are now handled via a class.
This version was tested with Python 3.5.2
The Spelling Update!
v5.1.1, The Spelling Update!
This update fixes the spelling of various components as its center piece. Other changes are located in the change log:
- Fixed the spelling in comments.
- Fixed the spelling in message boxes.
- Added comments to functions that did not have any.
- Renamed file existence checking function to be more generic as it is more versatile than the name gave it credit for.
- The progress bar window should now be better centered on the screen when it is created.
- Renamed GUI script to provide consistency with the current naming convention being followed by the python files.
This version was tested with Python 3.5.2
The Progress Bar Update!
v5.1.0, The Progress Bar Update!
This update includes a progress bar as the centerpiece of the update. Other changes are listed in the changelog.
- Added progress bar to conversion process
- Made the GUI script self reliant. No more needing the main script in the same directory to operate the GUI version.
- Added GUI dialogs to eliminate the need for the console to view error messages.
- Switched visuals to use the system theme instead of the tkinter theme.
- New windows will now center themselves automatically on the screen.
- Initial support for advanced options implemented: a "Reset to default settings" button is useable.
- Implemented initial frame for options buttons rendering on options window (experimentale, will not affect usage).
- Renamed the scripts for better handling, and style
GUI options functionality is currently limited and will be expanded in the future.
You no longer need the script in the same directory as the GUI script to operate the GUI script.
This version was tested with Python 3.5.2
The GUI Update (v5)!
v5.0.0, GUI Update!
This version officially releases the first version of the graphical user interface (GUI). Some other features are found in the changelog:
- New GUI script implementing Tkinter for GUI control of the program.
- Options button intentionally left disabled as no options are currently available
- The ability for the main script to be used as a library as well as a standalone script
- Renamed main script so that it could be imported into another script without using hacky code.
GUI functionality is currently limited and will be expanded with future updates.
To use the GUI you will need the script in the same directory as the GUI script. Then execute the GUI script.
This version was tested with Python 3.5.2
The Windows 10 Update!
v4.1.0, The Windows 10 Update!
Thanks to Mark (mlamias at bellsouth dot net) for bringing the Windows 10 issue to my attention.
- Windows 10 support
- Better error checking for input and output directories.
- Better coding by reducing the amount of code repetition.
- Relocated function to be easier to understand.
This version was tested with Python 3.5.2
The Python Update!
v4.0.0, The Python Update!
Version 4.0 features a complete rewrite of the script into python.
Easy converters are still available in batch (bat) format for easy directory conversions.
The file counter has been corrected so that you can see how many files are remaining to be converted.