Assignment 3 for machine learning course
X are:
- ge = Customers age
- xperience = Numbers of years of professional experience
- ncome = Annual income in units of 1000 euros
- mily size = Size of customers family
- Avg = Average spending on credit cards per month (in units if 1000 e)
- Education = Undergraduate (1), Gaduate (2), Advanced/professional (3)
- Mortgage = Value of house motgage in units of 1000 e
- Securities Account = 1 if customer has this type of account with the bank (else 0)
- CD Account = 1 if customer has this type of account with the bank (else 0)
- Online Banking = 1 if customer uses Internet banking facilities (else 0)
- Credit Card = 1 if customer has credit card issued by the bank (else 0)
predict Y is: Personal Loan = 1 if the customer has responded positively to the banks e-mail drive (0 else)