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Grizzly is a Pandas based package working with RDF graphs.


Release notes

Please check the release notes for detailed changes by version.


Grizzly is a ready to install Python package. You need to have Python 3 installed (not tested with Python 2) and the packages listed in the requirements file.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Direct installation to simply use Grizzly

You can install Grizzly directly from this repository. On the command line type

pip install git+

To upgrade Grizzly to a new version run:

pip install --upgrade grizzly

Install Grizzly for development

Clone the repository to a convenient location for you.

git clone

Then install Grizzly without transferring it to the Python site-packages directory. This way any change to the source files is immediately reflected when you use the package.

cd grizzly
pip install -e .

General use


Load triples from a CSV file:

import grizzly as gz
graph = gz.read_csv('filename.csv')

Load a graph from a remote graph store (replace the text between asterisks):

creds = {'base_url': 'http://localhost:8000',
         'name': 'example',
         'username': **username**,
         'password': **password**}
store = gz.Repository(**creds)
graph = store.query('select * {?s ?p ?o .} limit 100')

Run a SPAQRL query:

select ?sub
where {
  ?sub ?pre ?obj .

Run a query using the GraphFrames DSL:

graph.find('(a)-[b]->(c);(c)-[d]->(e)').filter('b = skos:broader')

You can run update queries directly. This returns a new graph with the updates:

updated_graph = graph.query('''
delete {
  ?parent skos:narrower ?child.
insert {
  ?parent skos:broader ?child .
where {
  ?parent skos:narrower ?child.

It is also possible to delete or insert triples that had previously been generated through a CONSTRUCT query:

new_triples = graph.query('''
construct {
  ?parent skos:broader ?child .
where {
  ?parent skos:narrower ?child.
updated_graph = graph.insert(new_triples)

Serialize the graph to plain triples that can be uploaded to a graphstore:

triples = graph.to_triples()


module grizzly:

  • read_turtle (string, custom_prefixes={}):

    Reads a file or string in ttl format and returns a Graph. You can supply custom_prefixes that should be taken into account.

  • read_csv *(string, args, custom_prefixes={}, keep_default_na=False, **kwargs):

    Reads a file or string in CSV format and returns a Graph. You can supply custom_prefixes that should be taken into account.

  • read_json (string, custom_prefixes={}):

    Reads a file or graph store response in the JSON format. If it is RDF/JSON it returns a typed Graph, if it has the MIME type 'application/sparql-results+json' it return a typed DataFrame. You can supply custom_prefixes that should be taken into account.

  • read_ntriples (string, custom_prefixes={}):

    Reads a file or string of N-triples and returns a Graph. This might be slow as it uses the query parser at the moment.You can supply custom_prefixes that should be taken into account.

  • read_remote (query, endpointURL, repository, custom_prefixes={}, username='', password=''):

    Queries a SPARQL endpoint at endpointURL with query. The preferred way at the moment is to instead call a query on a Repository instance.

class Base:

  • parse (query, rule_name='query', parser='SPARQL'):

    Parses a string query with the parser indicated in parser. By default assumes to start with the start rule query but other rules can be as argument to rule_name.

  • term *(query, args, ast=False, **kwargs):

    No description yet

  • variable *(query, args, ast=False, **kwargs):

    No description yet

  • resource *(query, args, ast=False, **kwargs):

    No description yet

  • literal *(query, args, ast=False, **kwargs):

    No description yet

  • expression *(query, args, ast=False, **kwargs):

    No description yet

  • call *(query, args, ast=False, **kwargs):

    No description yet

  • constrain (constraints, parts):

    No description yet

  • filter (expression):

    Filter values according to expression following the GraphFrames pattern.

  • copy_metadata (source):

    No description yet

  • decode (value=None):

    No description yet

  • encode (value=None):

    No description yet

  • encode_value (value):

    No description yet

  • to_pandas ():

    No description yet

  • to_koalas ():

    No description yet

  • to_csv *(args, index=False, decode=True, **kwargs):

    No description yet

class Graph:

This class represents an RDF graph in memory.

  • find (query_string):

    Query the graph with the motif patterns used in GraphFrame, like e.g. graph.find('(sub)-[pre]->(obj)'). Not fully implemented at the moment.

  • query (query_string):

    Query the graph with a SPARQL query. Currently supported are CONSTRUCT, SELECT, DELETE and INSERT queries. Returns a Graph instance or a Table instance depending on the type of the query.

  • where *(query, args, ast=False, **kwargs):

    No description yet

  • triple *(query, args, ast=False, **kwargs):

    No description yet

  • delete (triples, name=''):

    Deletes triples from the graph. triples must be a DataFrame or of a subclassed class with three columns.

  • insert (triples, name=''):

    Adds triples to the graph. triples must be a DataFrame or of a subclassed class with three columns.

  • get_graph (name=''):

    No description yet

  • get_encoded_triples (triples):

    No description yet

  • to_table ():

    No description yet

  • to_triples ():

    No description yet

  • to_turtle (filename):

    No description yet

  • to_json (filename=None):

    Serializes the graph to RDF/JSON. Returns a string if no filename is given, otherwise save the result as file.

  • to_property_graph (filename=None, property_names={}, directed=False, multigraph=False, graph={}):

    No description yet

  • to_remote (endpointURL, repository, graph, username=None, password=None):

    No description yet

class Table:

  • select *(query, args, ast=False, **kwargs):

    No description yet

  • construct *(query, args, ast=False, **kwargs):

    No description yet

  • modify_solution (query):

    No description yet

  • groupby *(args, **kwargs):

    No description yet

  • sort_columns (col_a, col_b):

    No description yet

  • to_graph ():

    No description yet

class Repository:

This class represents a graph store repository as an abstraction over a REST API. The API is designed to mirror the API of the local Graph class. All methods take instances of Graph as arguments and return instances of Graph or Table. Initialize with the base_url (e.g. http://localhost:7200). In the case of an RDF4J endpoint either select the repository by providing it as repository_name or included it in the base_url (e.g. http://localhost:7200/repositories/example). Additionally custom_prefixes can be supplied which will be used to generate prefix defintions in queries. For authentication you can provide username and password.

  • query (query):

    Query the repository with a SPARQL query. Automatically adds known prefix defintions to the query. Currently supported are CONSTRUCT, SELECT, DELETE and INSERT queries. Returns a Graph instance or a Table instance depending on the type of the query.

  • insert (graph, name):

    Inserts graph into the repository. graph should be a Graph instance. The graph will be inserted into name which can either be a named graph or 'default'. Returns True if succesful.

  • get_graph (name):

    Gets an entire graph from the repository and returns it as Graph instance. The graph name can either be a named graph or 'default'.

  • list_graphs ():

    Returns a Table containing all named graphs in the repository.

  • size ():

    Returns the number of triples in the repository.


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