50 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- feat: ability to add global scorers by @saikatmitra91 in #178
- feat: openai assistants by @arjunattam in #174
- fix: py-script getting timed out by @saikatmitra91 in #183
- feat: add telemetry for usage analytics by @arjunattam in #182
- fix: errors in assistant and basic examples by @saikatmitra91 in #186
- chore: update default init config for global scorers by @arjunattam in #180
- chore: change scorer names to json-syntax and llm-critic by @arjunattam in #181
- chore: better error message for scorer name changes by @arjunattam in #185
Full Changelog: https://github.com/empirical-run/empirical/compare/@empiricalrun/cli@0.8.0...@empiricalrun/cli@0.9.0