For my final project in the Metis data science bootcamp, I chose to investigate HIV and AIDS data provided by the United Nations for their Millennium Development Goals data visualization challenge.
You can see the finished project on my website at
- 01_UNreshape: reads in the data from a Postgres database, unstacks the series I've chosen to work with, and merges in some additional variables downloaded from the World Bank.
- 02_UNexplore: uses plotting functions to look for trends among the available variables.
- 03_UNexplore: reshapes the data further, investigates percent change of some variables from previous year.
- 04_UNmodel: explores various predictive models, both linear and classification.
The three main visualizations are:
- A line plot of the HIV incidence rate by region (un-line.js)
- A world map of the HIV incidence rate by country with a slider to view by year from 1990 to 2013 (un.js, d3.slider.js)
- A heat map of the 20 countries with the highest average HIV incidence rate from 1990 to 2013, by country and by year (un.js)
- Amazon Web Services
- Python (pandas, statsmodels, sklearn)
- Linear regression and classification modeling
- D3.js