Find and contact your representative based on your zipcode!
RepWrite is an email generator using AI. It helps residents to simply enter their ZIP code along with an issue of interest, then the AI — powered by — writes and sends an email to the representative.
We created this project because we wanted to make it easier and more accessible for anyone to communicate with their representatives.
RepWrite is currently under development. A demo is available at []
Currently, RepWrite is only functional for citizens of Virginia.
RepWrite uses python, html, and css.
| templates/
--| about.html
--| contact.html
--| index.html
--| representative.html
| static/
--| catherine.png
--| emily.png
--| elizabeth.png
--| map.jpg
--| R-Logo.png
--| styles.css
--| va_zips.csv
--| writing.jpg
- Create a new project in PyCharm. NOTE: you will need a virtual environment, venv.
- Download from the main branch of this repository.
- Open RepWrite folder and drag the contents into your new PyCharm directory. NOTE: make sure to refactor the files and overwrite!!
- Install any packages listed in the import section of as needed.
- Run! It will create a local host that you can click to view the site.
- Run in communication with html and image sources
- calls functions from flask and cohere to generate output
- Change web pages using .html files in /templates