Wt 3.4.0
3.4.0 Release
Notes about the Windows builds:
- There are no Visual Studio 2010 builds because there are too many issues building dependencies.
- The Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 builds do not include wtdbomysql, because of issues building libmariadb.
Changes to the Windows builds:
- Changed release build from MinSizeRel to RelWithDebInfo, now including pdb files for release binaries too (hence the size increase)
- Updated Boost to 1.70.0 (from 1.69.0)
- Added Visual Studio 2019 builds (although 2015, 2017, and 2019 should be binary compatible, so maybe we'll drop 2015 and 2017 builds in the future)
- Updated included OpenSSL to 1.1.1c (from 1.0.2q)
- Updated PostgreSQL client for wtdbopostgres to 11.3 (from 11.1)
- Updated MariaDB Connector/C for wtdbomysql to 3.1.1 (from 2.3.7)
- Updated Firebird for wtdbofirebird to 2.5.7 (from 2.5.2)