Ius Naturalis is a project centered on digital sovereignty, addressing key areas such as vsudo apt install code alue creation and transfer, communication, document management, and the resolution of public and private disputes—all approached frsudo apt install code om a sovereign perspective under natural law jurisdiction. We are developing a self-custodial wallet that integrates chat and public document management capabilities, including attestation and dispute resolution mechanisms. Our goal is to foster a web3 culture rooted in sovereignty, promoting the adoption of customary practices for managing public goods and embracing decentralized solutions in governance.
git https://github.com/energiasonora/iusdappv2
xmtp chat docs https://docs.xmtp.org/get-started/developer-quickstart
xmtp docs: https://docs.xmtp.org/perf-ux/optimistic-sending
xmtp v3 https://docs.xmtp.org/upgrade-to-v3
gitcoin grants g22: https://grants.gitcoin.co/?utm_source=gitcoinco&utm_medium=nav&utm_campaign=v2
demo local:
encrypted chat: alice bob
xmtp status https://status.xmtp.com/
polybase db git https://github.com/polybase/polybase-db-docs
ethhack https://ethglobal.com/showcase/iuris-naturalis-bofn4
nvm use 20
yarn parcel src/index.html --port 4343 --https
yarn parcel src/index.html src/don3.html src/createCampaign.html src/registerPublicKey.html src/sign.html src/stealthG.html src/p2pAlice.html src/p2pBob.html src/polybase.html --port 4343 --https
rm -rf .parcel-cache
nvm use 20
yarn parcel src/index.html --dist-dir public --public-url ./
yarn parcel src/index.html src/crowdfundingius.html src/crowdfunding.html --dist-dir public --public-url ./
firebase deploy --only hosting:iusnaturalis
paymentSign0x22: handleSignPayment, paymentReceived0x21: handlePaymentReceived, peerGasPaymentAccepted0x21: handleGasPaymentAccepted, peerGasPaymentRequest0x20: handleGasPaymentRequest, addToken0x19: handleAddToken,
- 5.20 working on log with iusNaturalis into other sites (crowdfundingius /pseudoWallet), considering EIP-1193 standard
- 5.19 UI translation updates.
- 5.18 automatic restoration of encrypted contacts with the wallet.
- 5.17 loading optimizations. improving transactions history. export contacts in json.
- 5.15 fix avatar img
- fix removeTokens funcitonality(wip)
- improved load time with base64imgs and localstorage defaults
- v5.14
- improved loading time by loading tokens and address from localstorage.
- added preloader for chat history
- minimal send button for simple external txs
- v5.13 fixed qrScanner inversion mode.
- v5.12 ui fixes, wallet button reposition
- v5.11a pufix balances display
- v5.11 public
- v5.10 new wallet modal adn ux fixes
- v5.09 ::: bug: no muestra el cambio a token (x ej usdc) cuando se selecciona un EVM
- v5.08 new wallet stats(brouillon), status buton, bugsFix: multiples duplicated messages,
- v5.07 manage stealth addrs funds
- v5.07a fix chainsv1.json
- v5.06 send native and erc20 stealth addrs txs
- v5.05 stealthaddr fixes(in progress). save contacts into did
- v5.04 display public docs
- v5.03 change alias name
- v5.02 fixed upload to ipfs
- v5.01 lighthouse as ipfs provider
- v4.13 fix autopopulate erc20
- v4.12 fix unlock screen
- v4.11 avatar img fix
- v4.10 qr scan fix
- v4.09 chatUI fix. step with 0 decimal tokens. wiki links
- v4.08 wallet. add tokens. send/receibe
- v4.07 fixing agenda management. fixed newmessage stucked class. fixing bug deletes username
- v4.06 fixed scan and chat did bug
- v4.05 fix restore seed
- v4.04 improved mnemonic backup process
- v4.03 check contract and address balance in explorer
- v4.0 improved DID management
- v3.4 https://youtu.be/p4xMzkIS5wQ
- fixed ui bugs. when clicking oiutside navbar should close the navbar when comming fron t2addr (external) link
- preparing UI to broadcast signatures functionality
- contacts: add functionality for states(trust:green, block:red, none:white)
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.