Release 1.5.0
1.5.0 (2023-11-23)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: display address book alias (76e292a)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: display address book alias (cd93f02)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: Display recipient list (311cfff)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: Display recipient list as minified DID or alias (1a2ff2c)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: updates for applying address book in other screens (f2469c3)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: updates for applying address book in other screens (d85b075)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-api-hooks: address book api hooks (3caf310)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-api-hooks: get channels messages count api hook (912a3d3)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-api-hooks: get sent messages hook (4e141ac)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-api-hooks: message inbox (8382e71)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-api-hooks: rename to messageForms (9e0862f)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-api-hooks: sent msg structure update (fb53dda)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-channels: channel message inbox (34cf0e7)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-channels: re-enable response topics (fd8e9f8)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-channels: rename to messageforms (3099800)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-channels: response topics new structure (e1e1b21)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-login: channel message inbox outbox (fa4325e)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: accept channel type (46991af)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: add ack message and fix small bugs (ecdc8d6)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: add message reply and some other fixes (d12135e)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: add message reply and some other fixes (7ca1b50)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: add message reply and some other fixes (4c10376)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: address book ui (feaff9f)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: address book ui (4f2d99d)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: channel message inbox (945ed83)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: enable search (72255fa)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: message recipients (7acbb35)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: message view entries (9c66a17)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: refetch received list on message ack (2dd906d)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: sent messages ui (77d35b7)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: update custom date-time widget and error validation (a6edc40)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: view message modal (9e4c390)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: wip new message boilerplate (3cae348)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-utils: channel message inbox outbox routes (d0de811)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-utils: related messages url path (7c679e2)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add alias response for sent/received messages (47a6f6b)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add cleanup after identity setup (b99744f)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add count of messages (27db42f)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add file cleaner tests (99df003)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add manual messages ack (838bb9e)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add read status (ee78680)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add related messages count (8861169)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add response topics (ef06ad5)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add sent messages query (b2301a5)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add sent messages recipients (54b9655)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add update response topics (bcb7f20)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add upload messages download (c4eb361)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add user auth (a331ee7)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add username to guard, add tests for offline messages (390c3b1)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: allow different usernames (cf4c9a4)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: check ak on startup (c19b386)
- dsb-client-gateway-api-client: add message form mock data (5f60199)
- dsb-client-gateway-api-client: channel message inbox (5aadec5)
- dsb-client-gateway-api-client: get channel message count (be4c015)
- dsb-client-gateway-api-client: get contacts mock (7f24462)
- dsb-client-gateway-api-client: get sent messages mock (706938f)
- dsb-client-gateway-api-client: rename to messageforms (985bd95)
- dsb-client-gateway-api-client: response topics (d666616)
- dsb-client-gateway-api-client: sent message mock data array (daf2894)
- dsb-client-gateway-api-client: update channel mock data (f733024)
- dsb-client-gateway-api-client: update structure (72b833c)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: add UserAuthContext (4063a60)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: address book ui (51567b4)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: channel list message outbox (b7bfd35)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: channel message inbox outbox (e065b9b)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: fixed flash of unwanted component in status factory (5ad6812)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: fixed logout/private key reset. added restrictedroute guards (0d19d7f)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: hide scheduler for nonadmin role (6978ee2)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: message inbox (6132064)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: move login/private key hooks to LoginStatus factory (7663fdc)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: move message inbox to container (8893082)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: refresh channels on opening new message form (800fcfa)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: remove console.log (3ccf638)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: sent messages ui (c9aea6f)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: separate privatekey/user login effects for login form (73a6dc9)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: update route restrictions and fix some login flow bugs (5e37c35)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: update transactionId to not required (5184793)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: update user auth flow (3a3841e)
- dsb-client-gateway-secrets-engine: implement missing user auth methods (4a2ac11)
- ui-core: add received icon (b2ba0d5)
- ui-core: address book ui (6c0c57d)
- ui-core: channel message outbox breadcrumbs (a22bf7f)
- ui-core: message box breadcrumbs (7433a6a)
- ui-core: message inbox breadcrumbs (723fb88)
- ui-core: sent messages breadcrumbs (6ec1018)
Bug Fixes
- )fix(ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: Add back removed checking for UserContext (b6e6135)
- )fix(ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: Add back removed checking for UserContext (4424a1f)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: expand first accordion item (ba67a57)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: fix test issue (e4ad64f)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: fix test issue (e9c3b6d)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: fix test issue (6200000)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: fix test issue (a07a70f)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: fix test issue (2fa2d18)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: fix test issue (7fcc0c7)
- ddhub-client-gateway-frontend: prettier (7b2fb29)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-channels: create update response topics (1bbd6d6)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-channels: moved response topics from pub to sub channels. fixed reply topics in reply msg (c50e59d)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-channels: response topics details (6648fc1)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-channels: response topics null checker (6fd7383)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-channels: temp fix create channel build error (13fdb33)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-channels: temp fix update channel build error (f7eb364)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-channels: update to response topic dto (de98ad1)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-login: fix logic to properly eject axios request interceptors on logout (b33651e)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: additional check for no sending acks for sent messages (98874c5)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: fixed timestamps in inbox/outbox (3f55263)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add build env var (94fe254)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add more detailed logs for vault (f4bfb24)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add response topics validation (1128250)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: change channel name to string (1c779f3)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: change swagger definition for sent messages (bf3b978)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: conditional check for response topics (9de97a0)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: fixed related message checks (607dee5)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: fixed related message checks (50a25b4)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: handle empty list of users (6f9f8aa)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: moved response topic check below initial topic check (df1bef1)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: remove client id param for offline messages (899256e)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: swagger schema path (cb7a497)
- dsb-client-gateway-api-client: fix missing schema path (73e8c5e)
- dsb-client-gateway-api-client: remove redundant tag (d3ab320)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: fix issues with sidbar display and failed identity check for non-auth enabled cgw (daa9b32)
- Revert "fix(ddhub-client-gateway-frontend): prettier" (8e06036)
Code Refactoring
- dsb-client-gateway-api: added new received messages endpoint and fix timestamps (e91e270)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: change getTopicsCountByIds to return only latest version for check (b02fab3)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add missing tests (d4baf7b)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add rest of the tests (6d000c2)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add scheduler tests (3d25611)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: fix keys tests (f850d46)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: rework tests for suer guard (e46be4c)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: rework tests for user auth service (82d65d9)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: run tests in pipeline (804e041)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: fix failing user role tests (e512022)
- dsb-client-gateway-secrets-engine: refactor azure kv tests and add new user auth tests. moved test files to same directory as services (27a5c44)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-channels: move channel message box to messages lib (4e0460d)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: add missing type (ece5322)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: remove debugging (8d55908)
- ddhub-client-gateway-ui-messaging: remove unused fn (a9ef47d)
- devops: auto deploy to test instances (56da33b)
- devops: change pre-release bump strategy (fc84907)
- devops: debug output (4782003)
- devops: debug updated output (698024c)
- devops: debug updated output (9c71bba)
- devops: debug updated output (251afcd)
- devops: fix argo vars config (46e3777)
- devops: fix argo vars config (81e60d2)
- devops: fix argocd setup (7039ae1)
- devops: fix rebase issues (b3ed907)
- devops: fix syntax (ea8cc4e)
- devops: increase memory for frontend build (408350e)
- devops: increase timeout for static page generation (96d3fce)
- devops: move argo setup (437e3ee)
- devops: remove commitlint fail on error (3cc6275)
- devops: remove deployments from repo (#341) (062478e)
- devops: rename output vars (0874621)
- devops: resolve conflicts (a499758)
- devops: test pre-release (d731e67)
- devops: update auto deployment for test and demo instances (1b51b50)
- devops: update env reference (6c835ce)
- dsb-client-gateway-api: add received message type to service test (c64bbd3)
- dsb-client-gateway-frontend: remove comment (a6d26fd)