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SimonGuilloud committed Nov 8, 2024
2 parents 0a61afd + 4a7c75c commit ff44367
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Showing 7 changed files with 62 additions and 50 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions lisa-sets2/src/main/scala/lisa/automation/Substitution.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -206,14 +206,14 @@ object Substitution:
// rewrite to destruct sequent
thenHave(postLeft ++ leftFormulas ++ rightFormulas |- postRight) by Restate

val dpremise =
val postRewriteSequent =

// discharge assumptions
case (premise, (rule, source)) =>
val sseq = proof.getSequent(source)
val form = rule.toFormula
val nextSequent = premise.left - form ++ sseq.left |- premise.right ++ sseq.right - form
val nextSequent = premise.left.filterNot(isSame(_, form)) ++ sseq.left |- premise.right ++ sseq.right.filterNot(isSame(_, form))
have(nextSequent) by Cut.withParameters(form)(source, lastStep)

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67 changes: 35 additions & 32 deletions lisa-sets2/src/main/scala/lisa/maths/Quantifiers.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import lisa.utils.K.repr
import lisa.automation.atp.Goeland
import lisa.utils.prooflib.Library
import lisa.utils.Printing
import lisa.utils.prooflib.ProofTacticLib.ProofFactSequentTactic

* Implements theorems about first-order logic.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,44 +290,46 @@ object Quantifiers extends lisa.Main {
* Γ ⊢ ∀x.∀y. ... ∀z. φ, Δ
* </pre>
def quantifyAll(using lib: Library, proof: lib.Proof)(premiseStep: proof.Fact)(conclusion: Sequent) =
def isQuantifiedOf(target: Expr[Formula], pivot: Expr[Formula], vars: List[Variable[Term]] = Nil): Option[List[Variable[Term]]] =
target match
case (x, inner) =>
if isSame(inner, pivot) then Some(vars) else isQuantifiedOf(inner, pivot, x :: vars)
case _ => None
val premise = proof.getSequent(premiseStep)
val difference = premise.right -- conclusion.right

if difference.isEmpty then Restate(using lib, proof)(premiseStep)(conclusion)
else if difference.size > 1 then proof.InvalidProofTactic(s"There must be only one formula to quantify over between the premise and the conclusion. Found: \n${Printing.printList(difference)}")
val rdifference = conclusion.right -- premise.right
if rdifference.size != 1 then proof.InvalidProofTactic(s"There must be only one formula to quantify over between the premise and the conclusion. Found: \n${Printing.printList(rdifference)}")
object quantifyAll extends ProofFactSequentTactic:
def apply(using lib: Library, proof: lib.Proof)(premiseStep: proof.Fact)(conclusion: Sequent) =
def isQuantifiedOf(target: Expr[Formula], pivot: Expr[Formula], vars: List[Variable[Term]] = Nil): Option[List[Variable[Term]]] =
target match
case (x, inner) =>
val next = x :: vars
if isSame(inner, pivot) then Some(next) else isQuantifiedOf(inner, pivot, next)
case _ => None
val premise = proof.getSequent(premiseStep)
val difference = premise.right -- conclusion.right

if difference.isEmpty then Restate(using lib, proof)(premiseStep)(conclusion)
else if difference.size > 1 then proof.InvalidProofTactic(s"There must be only one formula to quantify over between the premise and the conclusion. Found: \n${Printing.printList(difference)}")
val pivot = difference.head
val target = rdifference.head
val varsOption = isQuantifiedOf(target, pivot)

if varsOption.isEmpty then proof.InvalidProofTactic("Could not find a formula to quantify over in the conclusion.")
val rdifference = conclusion.right -- premise.right
if rdifference.size != 1 then proof.InvalidProofTactic(s"There must be only one formula to quantify over between the premise and the conclusion. Found: \n${Printing.printList(rdifference)}")
val vars = varsOption.get
val conflicts = vars.toSet -- premise.left.flatMap(_.freeVars)
val pivot = difference.head
val target = rdifference.head
val varsOption = isQuantifiedOf(target, pivot)

if conflicts.nonEmpty then proof.InvalidProofTactic(s"Variables ${conflicts.mkString(", ")} to be quantified appear in the LHS of the conclusion.")
if varsOption.isEmpty then proof.InvalidProofTactic("Could not find a formula to quantify over in the conclusion.")
// safe, proceed
val vars = varsOption.get
lib.have(premise) by Restate.from(premiseStep)
val vars = varsOption.get
val conflicts = vars.toSet `intersect` premise.left.flatMap(_.freeVars)

if conflicts.nonEmpty then proof.InvalidProofTactic(s"Variable(s) ${conflicts.mkString(", ")} to be quantified appear in the LHS of the conclusion.")
// safe, proceed
val vars = varsOption.get
lib.have(premise) by Restate.from(premiseStep)

val base = premise ->> pivot
val base = premise ->> pivot

vars.foldLeft(pivot): (pivot, v) =>
val quant = (v, pivot)
lib.thenHave(base +>> quant) by RightForall.withParameters(pivot, v)
vars.foldLeft(pivot): (pivot, v) =>
val quant = (v, pivot)
lib.thenHave(base +>> quant) by RightForall.withParameters(pivot, v)

lib.thenHave(conclusion) by Restate
lib.thenHave(conclusion) by Restate

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ object Comprehension extends lisa.Main:
val definition: THM = Theorem((x, x s.filter(φ) <=> (x s /\ φ(x)))):
have((x, x y <=> (x s /\ φ(x))) |- (x, x y <=> (x s /\ φ(x)))) by Hypothesis
thenHave((x, x y <=> (x s /\ φ(x))) |- (x, x ε(t, (x, x t <=> (x s /\ φ(x)))) <=> (x s /\ φ(x)))) by RightEpsilon
thenHave((x, x y <=> (x s /\ φ(x))) |- (x, x s.filter(φ) <=> (x s /\ φ(x)))) by Substitution.Apply(filter.definition)
thenHave((x, x y <=> (x s /\ φ(x))) |- (x, x s.filter(φ) <=> (x s /\ φ(x)))) by Substitution.Apply(filter.definition of (t := s))
thenHave((y, (x, x y <=> (x s /\ φ(x)))) |- (x, x s.filter(φ) <=> (x s /\ φ(x)))) by LeftExists
have(thesis) by Cut(existence, lastStep)
have(thesis) by Cut.withParameters((t, (x, (x t) <=> (x s /\ φ(x)))))(existence of (t := s), lastStep)

end Comprehension
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ object Equality extends lisa.Main:

val transitivity = Theorem((x === y, y === z) |- (x === z)):
have((x === y, y === z) |- (x === y)) by Hypothesis
thenHave(thesis) by InstSchema(y := z)
thenHave(thesis) by RightSubstEq.withParameters(Seq(y -> z), Seq(y) -> (x === y))

end Equality
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions lisa-sets2/src/main/scala/lisa/maths/settheory/Replacement.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ object Replacement extends lisa.Main:
val t = variable[Term]
val s = variable[Term]
val A = variable[Term]
val B = variable[Term]
val f = variable[Term >>: Term]
val P = variable[Term >>: Term >>: Formula]

val map = DEF(lambda(t, lambda(f, ε(s, (x, (x s) <=> (y, y t /\ (y === f(x))))))))
val map = DEF(lambda(t, lambda(f, ε(s, (y, (y s) <=> (x, x t /\ (y === f(x))))))))

private val replacement: map.type = map

Expand All @@ -26,9 +27,9 @@ object Replacement extends lisa.Main:
* The existence of the image of a set under a function. Or, the functional
* form of the replacement schema.
val existence = Theorem((s, (x, (x s) <=> (y, y t /\ (y === f(x)))))):
val existence = Theorem((s, (y, (y s) <=> (x, x t /\ (y === f(x)))))):
val inst = replacementSchema of (A := t, P := lambda(x, lambda(y, y === f(x))))
val conditional = have((x, x t ==> (y, (z, ((y === f(x)) /\ (z === f(x))) ==> (y === z)))) |- (s, (x, (x s) <=> (y, y t /\ (y === f(x)))))) by Weakening(inst)
val conditional = have((x, x t ==> (y, (z, ((y === f(x)) /\ (z === f(x))) ==> (y === z)))) |- (s, (y, (y s) <=> (x, x t /\ (y === f(x)))))) by Weakening(inst)

val eqTautology =
have(((y === f(x)) /\ (z === f(x))) ==> (y === z)) by Weakening(Equality.transitivity of (x := y, y := f(x), z := z))
Expand All @@ -44,12 +45,12 @@ object Replacement extends lisa.Main:
* `∀(x, x ∈ <=> ∃(y, y ∈ s /\ x === f(y)))`
val definition: THM = Theorem((x, x <=> (y, y s /\ (x === f(y))))):
have((x, x y <=> (y, y s /\ (x === f(y)))) |- (x, x y <=> (y, y s /\ (x === f(y))))) by Hypothesis
thenHave((x, x y <=> (y, y s /\ (x === f(y)))) |- (x, x ε(t, (x, x t <=> (y, y s /\ (x === f(y))))) <=> (y, y s /\ (x === f(y))))) by RightEpsilon
thenHave((x, x y <=> (y, y s /\ (x === f(y)))) |- (x, x <=> (y, y s /\ (x === f(y))))) by Substitution.Apply(map.definition)
thenHave((y, (x, x y <=> (y, y s /\ (x === f(y))))) |- (x, x <=> (y, y s /\ (x === f(y))))) by LeftExists
have(thesis) by Cut(existence, lastStep)
val definition: THM = Theorem((y, y <=> (x, x s /\ (y === f(x))))):
have((y, y t <=> (x, x s /\ (y === f(x)))) |- (y, y t <=> (x, x s /\ (y === f(x))))) by Hypothesis
thenHave((y, y t <=> (x, x s /\ (y === f(x)))) |- (y, y ε(t, (y, y t <=> (x, x s /\ (y === f(x))))) <=> (x, x s /\ (y === f(x))))) by RightEpsilon.withParameters((y, y t <=> (x, x s /\ (y === f(x)))), t, t)
thenHave((y, y t <=> (x, x s /\ (y === f(x)))) |- (y, y <=> (x, x s /\ (y === f(x))))) by Substitution.Apply(map.definition of (t := s))
thenHave((t, (y, y t <=> (x, x s /\ (y === f(x))))) |- (y, y <=> (x, x s /\ (y === f(x))))) by LeftExists
have(thesis) by Cut(existence of (t := s), lastStep)

* The replacement property of a [[map]]ped set.
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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion lisa-utils/src/main/scala/lisa/utils/fol/Syntax.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.annotation.showAsInfix
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.util.Sorting
import lisa.utils.KernelHelpers.freshId

trait Syntax {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,6 +179,7 @@ trait Syntax {

object Variable {
def unsafe(id: String, sort: K.Sort): Variable[?] = Variable(id)(using unsafeSortEvidence(sort))
def unsafe(id: Identifier, sort: K.Sort): Variable[?] = Variable(id)(using unsafeSortEvidence(sort))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,7 +275,14 @@ trait Syntax {
case class Abs[T1, T2](v: Variable[T1], body: Expr[T2]) extends Expr[Arrow[T1, T2]] {
val sort: K.Sort = K.Arrow(v.sort, body.sort)
val underlying: K.Lambda = K.Lambda(v.underlying, body.underlying)
def substituteUnsafe(m: Map[Variable[?], Expr[?]]): Abs[T1, T2] = Abs(v, body.substituteUnsafe(m - v))
def substituteUnsafe(m: Map[Variable[?], Expr[?]]): Abs[T1, T2] =
lazy val frees = m.values.flatMap(_.freeVars).toSet
if m.keySet.contains(v) || frees.contains(v) then
// rename
val v1: Variable[T1] = Variable.unsafe(freshId(,, v.sort).asInstanceOf
new Abs(v1, body.substituteUnsafe(Map(v -> v1))).substituteUnsafe(m)
new Abs(v, body.substituteUnsafe(m))
override def substituteWithCheck(m: Map[Variable[?], Expr[?]]): Abs[T1, T2] =
super.substituteWithCheck(m).asInstanceOf[Abs[T1, T2]]
override def substitute(pairs: SubstPair*): Abs[T1, T2] =
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ object BasicStepTactic {
* </pre>
* Note that if Δ contains φ[(εx. φ)/x] as well, the parameter inference will
* fail. Use [[RightEpsilon.withParameters]] instead.
* fail. In that case, use [[RightEpsilon.withParameters]] instead.
object RightEpsilon extends ProofTactic with ProofFactSequentTactic {
def collectEpsilons(in: F.Expr[?]): Set[F.Expr[F.Term]] =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1042,7 +1042,6 @@ object BasicStepTactic {

val newBindingOption = epsilons.collectFirstDefined:
case eps @ F.ε(x, phi) =>
val asTerm = (eps : F.Expr[F.Term])
val substituted = phi.substitute(x := eps)
if F.isSame(substituted, target) then Some(eps) else None
case _ => None
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