This is an apps stack to allow students to fulfil their PhD assessment process.
The stack is composed of:
, to command./ansible/
, to deploy./scripts/
, to hack
- the Zeebe stack
- a raft of three Zeebes
- the BPMN
- You can take a look at the process by installing the BPMN Modeler and by opening the process definition.
- the GED uploader, as a nodeJS worker
- the Email sender, as a nodeJS worker
- the PDF builder, as a nodeJS worker
- the task filler
- Meteor app with two mongo bases
- see code source at ./apps/fillForm
How about launching the app locally ?
- Build the docker images:
docker compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml build zeebe_node_0 zeebe_node_1 zeebe_node_2
- Launch the Zeebe server with:
docker compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml up zeebe_node_0 zeebe_node_1 zeebe_node_2
- Once Zeebe is running (
watch zbctl status --insecure --port 26501
, you can deploy the bpmn on it. You can use this command to help with the process:./phd.mjs deploy-bpmn
- In the parent directory of this projet, clone the other services:
cd ..
git clone
git clone
- Better skip the GED service for the moment 🤷. If you want the code, at least, do:
git clone
- Come back into the projet folder
cd PhDAssess
- Build and start the services
docker compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml build pdf notifier
docker compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml up pdf notifier
- Start of the meteor app:
cd ./apps/fillForm
- install the libs with
meteor npm i
cp .env.sample .env
and start editing the .env to your taste- start the app with
meteor --settings settings.json
and open your browser onhttp://localhost:3000/
- Build and start the service:
docker compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml build simple-monitor
docker compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml up simple-monitor
- Open