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Some doc updates and some result files name changes
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oddvarlia committed Oct 1, 2024
1 parent 761eaec commit c29a4a5
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Showing 2 changed files with 185 additions and 16 deletions.
194 changes: 180 additions & 14 deletions src/subscript/field_statistics/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,9 +25,6 @@
import yaml
from ert.config import ErtScript

from ert.config import ErtScript

import subscript

logger = subscript.getLogger(__name__)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,23 +163,26 @@
-- Installation of the ERT workflow:
DEFINE <FIELD_STAT_CONFIG_FILE> ../input/config/field_param_stat.yml
-- The workflow job FIELD_STATISTICS is generated automatically by ERT
-- The workflow file wf_field_param_statistics run FIELD_STATISTICS
LOAD_WORKFLOW ../../bin/workflows/wf_field_param_statistics
-- The workflow file to be located under ert/bin/workflows:
-- The workflow file to be located under ert/bin/workflows run FIELD_STATISTICS:
-- Example of a workflow file can be
-- Workflow job for ERT to calculate:
-- Mean and standard deviatons of specified continuous 3D parameters.
-- Estimate of facies probabilities from discrete 3D parameter for facies.
-- The input realizations are found under:
-- <ensemble_path>/realization-*/iter-*/share/results/grids/geogrid--<name>.roff
-- The output mean and standard deviations and facies probability estimates are saved
-- under a directory specified by the user.
-- The first three command line arguments are required, the last one (<RESULT_PATH>)
-- has default 'share/grid_statistics' under <ensemble_path>.
-- where <FIELD_STAT_CONFIG_FILE> is the usre specification for this script,
-- and where <CONFIG_PATH> is the ERT <CONFIG_PATH> for the ERT project,
-- and where ensemble directory is specified by the '-e' option and
-- where the result directory is specified by the <RESULT_PATH>. This is optional
-- since share/grid_statistics is used as default.
-- The results from iter-0 is also copied to 'realization-0/iter-0/share/results/grids
-- and results from iter-3 is copied to 'realization-0/iter-3/share/results/grids.
-- Workflow job for ERT to calculate field statistics is automatically
-- generated by ERT from the subscript repository, but when setting it
-- up manually, it look like this:
EXECUTABLE ../scripts/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,6 +237,11 @@ def field_stat(args):
if args.resultpath:
relative_result_path = Path(args.resultpath)
result_path = ens_path / relative_result_path

rms_load_script = None
if args.generate_rms_load_script:
rms_load_script = args.generate_rms_load_script

glob_var_config_path = ert_config_path / Path(GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILE)
cfg_global = utils.yaml_load(glob_var_config_path)["global"]
keyword = "FACIES_ZONE"
Expand All @@ -256,6 +261,12 @@ def field_stat(args):
field_stat, ens_path, facies_per_zone, result_path, ert_config_path, ertbox_size
ertbox_path = ert_config_path / ERTBOX_GRID_PATH
copy_ertbox_grid_to_result_path(ertbox_path, result_path)

if rms_load_script:
generate_script(rms_load_script, ert_config_path, result_path, config_file)
"Finished running workflow to calculate statistics "
"for ensemble of field parameters"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,6 +323,14 @@ def get_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
version="%(prog)s (subscript version " + subscript.__version__ + ")",

help=("Name of script for loading results into RMS for visualization. "),
return parser

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -604,6 +623,31 @@ def get_ertbox_size(ertbox_path):
return ertbox_grid.dimensions

def copy_ertbox_grid_to_result_path(ertbox_path, result_path):
if not Path(ertbox_path).exists():
raise IOError(f"The ertbox file does not exist in: {ertbox_path}")
ertbox_grid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(ertbox_path, fformat="egrid")
grid_file_name = result_path / Path("ertbox.roff")
print(f"Copy ertbox grid file from {ertbox_path} to {grid_file_name}")
ertbox_grid.to_file(grid_file_name, fformat="roff")

def copy_to_real0_dirs(field_stat, result_path, ens_path):
import glob
import shutil

iteration_list = field_stat["iterations"]
for iter in iteration_list:
source_files = result_path / Path(f"ertbox--*_{iter}.roff")
target_dir = ens_path / Path(f"realization-0/iter-{iter}/share/results/grids")
print(f"Source_files: {source_files}")
print(f"Target dir: {target_dir}")
for f in glob.glob(source_files.as_posix()):
shutil.copy(f, target_dir.as_posix())
source_file = result_path / Path("ertbox.roff")
shutil.copy(source_file.as_posix(), target_dir.as_posix())

def check_zone_conformity(zone_code_names, zone_names_used, zone_conformity):
for zone_name, conformity in zone_conformity.items():
if zone_name not in list(zone_code_names.values()):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -890,6 +934,128 @@ def calc_stats(

def generate_script(
rms_load_script, ert_config_path, result_path, field_stat_config_file
template_string = """#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pathlib import Path
import xtgeo
import yaml
import fmu.config.utilities as utils
PRJ = project
ERT_CONFIG_PATH = "{ert_config_path}"
ERT_CONFIG_PATH / Path("../../fmuconfig/output/global_variables.yml")
FIELD_STAT_CONFIG_FILE = "{field_stat_config_file}"
RESULT_PATH = "{result_path}"
LABEL = "drogon"
def read_field_stat_config(config_file_name):
print(f"Read file: {{config_file_name}}")
with open(config_file_name, encoding="utf-8") as yml_file:
return yaml.safe_load(yml_file)
def get_facies_per_zone(glob_var_file):
cfg_global = utils.yaml_load(glob_var_file)["global"]
keyword = "FACIES_ZONE"
if keyword in cfg_global:
facies_per_zone = cfg_global[keyword]
raise KeyError(f"Missing keyword: {{keyword}} in {{GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILE}}")
return facies_per_zone
def main():
config_dict = read_field_stat_config(FIELD_STAT_CONFIG_FILE)
field_stat = config_dict["field_stat"]
zone_code_names = field_stat["zone_code_names"]
facies_per_zone = get_facies_per_zone(GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILE)
result_path = RESULT_PATH
zone_list= list(zone_code_names.values())
stat_list= ["mean", "stdev"]
iter_list = field_stat["iterations"]
cont_prop_dict = field_stat["continuous_property_param_per_zone"]
discrete_prop_dict = field_stat["discrete_property_param_per_zone"]
label = LABEL
for stat in stat_list:
for zone in zone_list:
for iteration in iter_list:
if cont_prop_dict:
if zone in cont_prop_dict:
for prop_name in cont_prop_dict[zone]:
name = \
"ertbox--" + stat + "_" + zone + "_" + prop_name \
+ "_" + str(iteration)
print(f"Read: {{name}} into {{GRIDNAME}}")
filename = Path(result_path) / Path(name + ".roff")
prop_param = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file(
prop_param.to_roxar(PRJ, GRIDNAME, name)
new_name = name
if label:
new_name = name + "_" + label = new_name
name = "ertbox--nactive_" + zone + "_" + str(iteration)
print(f"Read: {{name}} into {{GRIDNAME}}")
filename = Path(result_path) / Path(name + ".roff")
prop_param = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file(
new_name = name
if label:
new_name = name + "_" + label = new_name
prop_param.to_roxar(PRJ, GRIDNAME, new_name)
if discrete_prop_dict:
code_names_per_zone = facies_per_zone[zone]
for _, fname in code_names_per_zone.items():
name = \
"ertbox--prob_" + zone + "_" + fname + "_" + str(iteration)
print(f"Read: {{name}} into {{GRIDNAME}}")
filename = Path(result_path) / Path(name + ".roff")
prop_param = \
xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file(filename, fformat="roff")
new_name = name
if label:
new_name = name + "_" + label = new_name
prop_param.to_roxar(PRJ, GRIDNAME, new_name)
name = "ertbox--nactive_" + zone + "_" + str(iteration)
print(f"Read: {{name}} into {{GRIDNAME}}")
filename = Path(result_path) / Path(name + ".roff")
prop_param = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file(filename, fformat="roff")
prop_param.to_roxar(PRJ, GRIDNAME, name)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"Write file: {rms_load_script}")
with open(rms_load_script, "w") as file:

class FieldStatistics(ErtScript):
"""This class defines the ERT workflow hook.
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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
ERT_CONFIG_PATH = Path("ert/model")
DATADIR = Path(__file__).absolute().parent / TESTDATA
GLOBAL_VARIABLES_FILE = Path("../../fmuconfig/output/global_variables.yml")


"nreal": 10,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def make_box_grid(dimensions, grid_name, result_path):
filename_egrid = result_path / Path(grid_name.upper() + ".EGRID")

grid = xtgeo.create_box_grid(dimensions) = grid_name = grid_name.lower()
print(f"Grid name: {}")
print(f"Grid dimensions: {grid.dimensions}")
print(f"Write grid to file: {filename}")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -891,6 +891,7 @@ def test_main(tmp_path, config_file, config_dict, print_info=True):
ens_path = tmp_testdata_path / ENSEMBLE
result_path = ens_path / RESULT_PATH

rms_load_script = result_path / RMS_LOAD_SCRIPT_NAME
# Run the main script as a subprocess
script_name = Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent / Path(
Expand All @@ -911,6 +912,8 @@ def test_main(tmp_path, config_file, config_dict, print_info=True):
# For this test not to fail, the CONFIG_DICT and the specified
Expand Down

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