Playing around with spicedb for a post on
- Initialize the space with
nix develop
. - Start the spicedb binary (blocking operation) via
spicedb serve --grpc-preshared-key "t_your_token_here_1234567deadbeef"
. - Init the zed binary with
zed context set blog localhost:50051 t_your_token_here_1234567deadbeef --insecure
.- NixOS wanted to setup some key wallet mumbojumbo. I choose the classic blowfish wallet and set my password to
- NixOS wanted to setup some key wallet mumbojumbo. I choose the classic blowfish wallet and set my password to
- Load the schema via
zed schema write blog_schema.zed
- Add some relationships via:
zed relationship create post:1 writer user:emilia
zed relationship create post:1 reader user:beatrice
- Each of these will return a ZedToken which provides a time this was written at. This can be used in later permission checks to determine at what point in time to check the permissions.
- Check permissions via:
zed permission check post:1 read user:emilia --consistency-at-least ${ZedToken} # true
zed permission check post:1 write user:emilia --consistency-full # true
zed permission check post:1 read user:beatrice --consistency-full # true
zed permission check post:1 write user:beatrice --consistency-full # false
The snapshots represent different parts from the blog post on (blog url tbd). They can be loaded into the spicedb playground at: