Shell scripts to convert a date in ISO format to a Julian Day Number and back again
A Julian Day Number is similar to a Unix timestamp, counting days instead of seconds, and using January 1st of the year 4713 BC as starting point (or "epoch").
This is a useful format for computations on dates:
- adding a number of days to a date to get a new date
- subtracting dates to get the interval in days
The conversions use the algorithms described on Wikipedia:
The script
converts an ISO date in format yyyy-mm-dd
to a Julian Day Number:
$ ./ 2015-03-18
The script
converts a Julian Day Number back to an ISO date
in format yyyy-mm-dd
$ ./ 2457100
The date to convert can be provided as parameter; otherwise, it will be read from standard input:
$ echo '2015-03-18' | ./
$ echo 2457100 | ./
In both cases, the converted date is written to standard output.