Releases: esaulpaugh/headlong
v13.0.0 (bug fix, update)
fix functions with no type field can't be filtered out in array parse;
fix empty Function inputs/outputs always report FLAGS_NONE if created from JSON in which the inputs/outputs field is not present;
new Contract ABI (JSON) parsing API with significant performance optimizations (see;
add static methods for parsing InputStream to Function, Event, and ContractError;
add ABIJSON.optimize(String);
change exception type;
add param to parseElements;
use gson v2.12.0, parse json strictly;
improve gson version resolution;
make Tuple closed for extension;
disallow user-defined subclasses of RLPItem;
throw on abnormal Notation parse return;
reduce max type length;
reduce max function name length;
don't print anything to System.err;
FLAG_LEGACY_DECODE is no longer experimental;
SHA-256 (headlong-13.0.0.jar): 5ec5ab76ffc1532eff553f74b41c7f1214940c454594120ddd6306203ad028f5
Full Changelog: v12.3.3...v13.0.0
v12.3.3 (update)
fix parseTupleType should be private;
reduce max decoded offset to 2^30 - 1;
SHA-256 (headlong-12.3.3.jar): 9b577af538d30ffc05133425c8b0bff3a79bcba99955b3222dd2d825b27150cc
Full Changelog: v12.3.2...v12.3.3
v12.3.2 (update)
add method ABIJSON.parseABIField;
minor optimizations;
SHA-256 (headlong-12.3.2.jar): 139359dbd4d8b286e93e06433db903acd9a9c0fc46f15df112040cb25379f342
Full Changelog: v12.3.1...v12.3.2
v12.3.1 (update)
What's Changed
- disallow most UnitType creation outside TypeFactory by @esaulpaugh in #67
- improve json parsing performance by @esaulpaugh in #68
- better JsonArray streaming;
- simplify error message;
- simplify other error messages;
- other minor performance improvements;
SHA-256 (headlong-12.3.1.jar): c2cf0735de80c6da56fdecc3dcec4d3a05e851fe40626eda1a93040e59a5477e
Full Changelog: v12.3.0...v12.3.1
v12.3.0 (change to module name, update)
change module name to com.esaulpaugh.headlong;
downgrade gson to v2.10.1;
remove TupleType#getNonCapturing, TypeFactory.createNonCapturing;
remove no-args Tuple.of();
add stream and iterator methods to ABIJSON;
reinstate Tuple.singleton;
make validate generic;
make SuperSerial methods generic;
improve asArrayType signature;
rename some type params;
improve javadoc;
performance improvements;
SHA-256 (headlong-12.3.0.jar): 446daf0f5a616a54ac85fb28f9ef240394471ff34fc89d4b21e939965b5b5962
Full Changelog: v12.2.0...v12.3.0
v12.2.0 (update)
disallow JsonNull for boolean fields;
reset ByteBuffer position before returning from Strings.encode;
replace Function.formatCall(byte[],int,int,IntFunction);
replace RLPDecoder stream methods with static method;
disallow zero-bit Uint;
better protect singleton constructors from illegal access;
optimize TupleType creation;
reduce jar size;
SHA-256 (headlong-12.2.0.jar): 8d4165dae71e1419d2d757871bb47596cff43ec1e3bb7b97778445d5d20e9b26
Full Changelog: v12.1.0...v12.2.0
v12.1.0 (update)
rewind Record buffer before returning;
add method RLPOutputStream::writeList(Object...);
widen input type in FastHex;
improve hex decode performance;
SHA-256 (headlong-12.1.0.jar): f44ade364c02259ae92c4d6720171f7565866cdc7c415b43501744f5311062ea
Full Changelog: v12.0.0...v12.1.0
v12.0.0 (bug fix, update)
fix lack of padding for packed array elements;
change type of "decimal" to int168 from fixed168x10;
eliminate leading newline in annotated tuple;
SHA-256 (headlong-12.0.0.jar): ab5c573a8e207d600b529a95b7211ee268c12c439b35482bcafdde1a5b208561
Full Changelog: v11.1.1...v12.0.0
v11.1.1 (performance improvement)
drastically improve ABI decoding performance;
allow RLPList as value in KVP;
SHA-256 (headlong-11.1.1.jar): 22bbfc15d180847988ba0ad4a473ae8d2647a1cec1fcc3339880a6b6635d9f30
Full Changelog: v11.1.0...v11.1.1
v11.1.0 (breaking change)
redesign ContractError and Event type params;
improve some generic return types;
check tuple length in annotate;;
enforce max depth of RLP Notation strings;
SHA-256 (headlong-11.1.0.jar): 7718cca29d9b3be24a6472fffb2c185724380c7cbea008f6a05949b20d72720e
Full Changelog: v11.0.0...v11.1.0