This project contains the implementation of a Machine Learning pipeline to identify bad actors among Chicago Police Department officers.
Aequitas.ipynb: run aequitas module to test for fairness and bias of the models adds features generated from the Chicago Open Data Portal
data: folder containing data from the Invisible Institue Citizens Police Data Project that was used used for this project
descriptive_stats.ipynb: some descriptive statistics of the data contains the code that generates the model's features
feature_list.xlsx: description of all the features defines the TrainTest and RawDfs classes code used to run the models with different parameters and evaluation metrics code to read the datasets used in the project this file
report.pdf: report containing the description, implementation and findings of the analysis
requirements.txt: libraries and versions required for running the code
run_pipeline.ipynb: runs the machine learning models (takes about five hours to run) code that performs the temporal splits on the datasets