The Release Poller project have been split into multiple repositories under the name of Buildex
- Release Poller now called Buildex Poller
- Release Jobs now called Buildex Jobs
- Release Domain now called Buildex Common
- RabbitMQ Pool
- Buildex API
Poll Github (for now) looking for new tags and releases of given repositories, if there is a new one, put a job into a RabbitMQ queue to be processed later. Then from another app (the RabbitMQ consumer), consume new jobs in the queue and exceute the provided tasks on it. Each task is going to be a pointer to a repository that depend on new releases of the given repo, also is going to have a way to run the given task via a Makefile and a series of commands or targets on it.
Makefiles are going to have access to the following ENV variables
${REPO_NAME}_TAG # points to the new tag e.g ELIXIR_TAG="v1.7.2"
${REPO_NAME}_ZIP # points to the zipped content of the tag e.g ELIXIR_ZIP=""
${REPO_NAME}_TAR # points to the tar content of the tag e.g ELIXIR_TAR=
# pull RabbitMQ image from docker
$> docker pull rabbitmq:3.7.7-management
# run docker in background
# name the container
# remove container if already exists
# attach default port between the container and your laptop
# attach default management port between the container and your laptop
# start rabbitmq with management console
$> docker run --detach --rm --hostname bugs-bunny --name roger_rabbit -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3.7.7-management
# if you need to stop the container
$> docker stop roger_rabbit
# if you need to remove the container manually
$> docker container rm roger_rabbit
# Repo Poller Config
config :repo_poller, :github_auth, GITHUB_TOKEN # default System.get_env("GITHUB_AUTH")
# RabbitMQ Connection Config
# Optional, just QUEUE_NAME is required either in config or in ENV
config :repo_poller, :rabbitmq_config,
host: "localhost", # optional
port: 5672, # optional
channels: 1000, # optional
queue: QUEUE_NAME, # required
exchange: "", # optional
reconnect: 1000, # optional
password: "guest", # optional
username: "guest" # optional
# RabbitMQ Connection Pool Config
config :repo_poller, :rabbitmq_conn_pool,
pool_id: POOL_NAME, # required
name: {:local, POOL_NAME}, # required
worker_module: BugsBunny.Worker.RabbitConnection, # required
size: 2, # required
max_overflow: 0 # required
it needs a list of pre-installed packages with its associated dependencies: [git, make]
# Repo Poller Config
config :repo_jobs, :consumers, NUMBER_OF_CONSUMERS # required
# RabbitMQ Connection Config
# Optional, just QUEUE_NAME is required either in config or in ENV
config :repo_jobs, :rabbitmq_config,
host: "localhost", # optional
port: 5672, # optional
channels: 1000, # optional
queue: QUEUE_NAME, # required
exchange: "", # optional
reconnect: 1000, # optional
password: "guest", # optional
username: "guest" # optional
# RabbitMQ Connection Pool Config
config :repo_jobs, :rabbitmq_conn_pool,
pool_id: POOL_NAME, # required
name: {:local, POOL_NAME}, # required
worker_module: BugsBunny.Worker.RabbitConnection, # required
size: 2, # required
max_overflow: 0 # required
# Use this ENV variable if not using `config :repo_*, :rabbitmq_config, [queue: NAME]`
export QUEUE_NAME="new_releases.queue"
# Release the repo_jobs app along its dependencies
MIX_ENV=prod mix release --name=jobs
# run the release
_build/prod/rel/jobs/bin/jobs foreground
# Release the repo_poller app along its dependencies
MIX_ENV=prod mix release --name=poller
# run the release
_build/prod/rel/poller/bin/poller foreground
in another terminal window, setup the admin server so poller and jobs can get the repositories, tags and tasks out of it.
iex --name admin@ --cookie hola -S mix phx.server
cd apps/repo_jobs
iex --name jobs@ --cookie hola -S mix
cd apps/repo_poller
iex --name poller@ --cookie hola -S mix
In the root of project you will find a file called shell.nix
can be executed using the nix-shell
command (if available on the
system). This should create an environment with all the things needed
to run the project.