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ESP32_AT_V2.0.0.0 Release Note
esp32_at_instruction_set_and_examples_en.pdf or
- Update ESP-IDF to version 3.3(6ccb4cf5).
Base command
- AT+SYSROLLBACK: Roll back to the previous firmware.
- AT+SYSTIMESTAMP: Set local time stamp.
Wi-Fi command
- AT+CWHOSTNAME: Configures the host name of ESP station
- AT+CWQIF: Disconnect station from the ESP softAP.
- Update command AT+CWJAP, add a parameter of listen interval
TCPIP command
- AT+CIPSTARTEX: Establishes TCP connection, UDP transmission or SSL connection by auto assigning ID.
- AT+CIPSSLCCONF: Config SSL client.
- AT+CIPRECONNINTV: Set the interval of auto-reconnecting in Wi-Fi UART passthrough mode.
- AT+CIPRECVMODE: Set socket receive Mode.
- AT+CIPRECVDATA: Get socket data in passive receive mode.
- AT+CIPRECVLEN: Get socket data length in passive receive mode.
- AT+PING: Ping packets
- AT+CIPDNS: Configures Domain Name System. The configuration will be saved in flash
- Update command AT+CIUPDATE, support SSL OTA and version parameter
BLE command
- AT+BLESETKEY: Set BLE static pair key
- AT+BLEHIDINIT: BLE HID device profile initialization
- AT+BLEHIDKB: Send BLE HID Keyboard information
- AT+BLEHIDMUS: Send BLE HID mouse information
- AT+BLEHIDCONSUMER: Send BLE HID consumer information
Classic Bluetooth command
- AT+BTINIT : Classic Bluetooth initialization
- AT+BTNAME : Sets BT device's name
- AT+BTSTARTDISC : Start BT discovery
- AT+BTSPPINIT : Classic Bluetooth SPP profile initialization
- AT+BTSPPCONN : Establishes SPP connection
- AT+BTSPPDISCONN : Ends SPP connection
- AT+BTSPPSTART : Start Classic Bluetooth SPP profile
- AT+BTSPPSEND : Sends data to remote bt spp device
- AT+BTA2DPINIT : Classic Bluetooth A2DP profile initialization
- AT+BTA2DPCONN : Establishes A2DP connection
- AT+BTA2DPDISCONN : Ends A2DP connection
- AT+BTA2DPSRC : Set or query the audio file URL
- AT+BTA2DPCTRL : control the audio play
- AT+BTSECPARAM :Set and query the Classic Bluetooth security parameters
- AT+BTKEYREPLY :Input the Simple Pair Key
- AT+BTPINREPLY :Input the Legacy Pair PIN Code
- AT+BTSECCFM: Reply the confirm value to the peer device in the legacy connection stage
- AT+BTENCDEV : Query BT encryption device list
- AT+BTENCCLEAR : Clear BT encryption device list
MQTT command
- AT+MQTTCONNCFG : Set configuration of MQTT Connection
- AT+MQTTCONN : Connect to MQTT Broker
- AT+MQTTPUB : Publish MQTT Data in string
- AT+MQTTPUBRAW : Publish MQTT message in binary
- AT+MQTTSUB : Subscribe to MQTT Topic
- AT+MQTTUNSUB : Unsubscribe from MQTT Topic
- AT+MQTTCLEAN : Close the MQTT Connection
HTTP command
- AT+HTTPCLIENT - Send HTTP Client Request
- fix: It may crash if AT command ends without '\r\n'
- fix: Sometimes it may fail to quit from UART-WiFi passthrough mode
- fix: AT+CIPSTART does not work if just enable ethernet
- Add "\r\n" to the end of the +IPD for that MCU distinguishes the new command easily