#include "Plugins/cordova-plugin-sip/include/linphone/lpconfig.h"
#include "Plugins/cordova-plugin-sip/include/linphone/linphonecore.h"
#include "Plugins/cordova-plugin-sip/include/linphone/linphonecore_utils.h"
You must include following permissions
<string>Description Why you use this permission</string>
<string>Description Why you use this permission</string>
Deploy and Run!
var sipManager = {
register: function () {
cordova.plugins.sip.login('102', '102', '', 'udp', sipManager.events, sipManager.events);
call: function () {
cordova.plugins.sip.call('sip:111@', '203', function (e) {
}, function (e) {
hangup: function () {
cordova.plugins.sip.hangup(function (e) {}, function (e) {})
accept: function () {
cordova.plugins.sip.accept(function (e) {}, function (e) {})
dtmf: function (dtmf) {
cordova.plugins.sip.sendDtmf(dtmf, function (e) {}, function (e) {})
events: function (event) {
var e = JSON.parse(event).status;
if (e == 'RegistrationOk') {
if (e == 'RegistrationError') {
alert("Registration Failed!");
if (e == 'CallIncomingReceived') {
var r = confirm("Incoming Call");
if (r == true) {
console.log("call from user " + JSON.parse(event).username);
} else {
if (e == 'CallError') {
alert("Call Error!");
if (e == 'CallEnd') {
alert("Call End!");
Event message it is json.
Fromat json response {"status": TYPE }
RegistrationNone -> Initial state for registrations
RegistrationProgress -> Registration is in progress
RegistrationOk -> Registration is successful
RegistrationCleared -> Unregistration succeeded
CallIdle -> Initial call state
CallIncomingReceived -> This is a new incoming call ( For this type, added new field exsample {"status":"CallIncomingReceived", "username":"username"} )
CallOutgoingInit -> An outgoing call is started
CallOutgoingProgress -> An outgoing call is in progress
CallOutgoingRinging -> An outgoing call is ringing at remote end
CallOutgoingEarlyMedia -> An outgoing call is proposed early media
CallConnected -> Connected, the call is answered
CallStreamsRunning -> The media streams are established and running
CallPausing -> The call is pausing at the initiative of local end
CallPaused -> The call is paused, remote end has accepted the pause
CallResuming -> The call is being resumed by local end
CallRefered -> The call is being transfered to another party, resulting in a new outgoing call to follow immediately
CallError -> The call encountered an error
CallEnd -> The call ended normally
CallPausedByRemote -> The call is paused by remote end
CallUpdatedByRemote -> The call's parameters change is requested by remote end, used for example when video is added by remote
CallIncomingEarlyMedia -> We are proposing early media to an incoming call
CallUpdating -> A call update has been initiated by us
CallReleased -> The call object is no more retained by the core
CallEarlyUpdatedByRemote -> The call is updated by remote while not yet answered (early dialog SIP UPDATE received).
CallEarlyUpdating -> We are updating the call while not yet answered (early dialog SIP UPDATE sent)
SendDtmf -> Send DTMF message