Simple package to send analytics to
or your self-hosted
No unnecessary dependencies, package http
- pageview
- goals / custom events
- custom events with props
- User-Agent
- X-Forwarded-For
- referrer (You can contribute)
- revenue
flutter pub add plausible
# OR
dart pub add plausible
import 'package:plausible/plausible.dart';
void main() async {
// Create your own domain using plausible dashboard
const domain = '';
// Instantiate the Plausible analytics object
// Take a look at the multiples optionals settings
final analytics = Plausible(domain: domain);
// Send a `pageview` event of the page https://[domain]/about
analytics.send(path: '/about');
// Save the custom event `my-event` with the props key `anything` and the value `you want`
// The goal/event `my-event` must be created before on your plausible dashboard
analytics.send(event: 'my-event', props: {'anything': 'you want'});
// Define a `User-Agent`: (Useful for CLI, Desktop and Mobiles)
// Flutter web handle `User-Agent` by itself, and will override this configuration
// On other platforms I recommand you to use `device_info_plus` package to collect the `userAgent`
analytics.userAgent =
'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.95 Safari/537.36';
// Send a `pageview` with the fake User-Agent
analytics.send(path: '/about');
// Disable analytics
analytics.isActive = false;
// Send a `pageview` will fail: `Plausible.isActive is set to false`
analytics.send(path: '/about');