This is a prototype of exam/quiz android application that I developed with Xamarin.Forms for a small tech retail company to testing their sellers and employes. App contains very basic functionality as creating, editing and deleting things, history and passing.
- Basic statistic. App main screen contains basic user statistic information such as average total mark, last passed and top list.
- Detailed result. By tapping on already passed exam user can inspect detailed info about each question.
- Create/edit exam/quiz. In create/edit screen user can control publish status (published or draft), edit ordering of questions and answers with easy to use drag-n-drop and also other basic controls.
- Passing. User can pass exam/quiz by tapping play button in exams list. Proccess of passing is standart - read question, choose answer, go next.
- History. App also saves all user history which can be seen in history menu, it's contain date, result and detailed view with questions info.
- Database. For store application data used SQLite database.
- Demo data. App contains demo menu with possibility to fill app with demo data.
- Tests. For testing app logic solution includes a sub-project with unit tests.
In original plan to expand this app was next things:
- Remote database. To add possibility to restore users data and share it.
- Users system. Which means to separate usual and main users. Originally intended there will be a parent user that can create/edit exams and browse results of a child users.
- Sorting and ordering. In cases with large number of data it will make user experience more comfortable.
- Help. Info screen to show users how to work with app correctly and use all features effectively.
- Tags system. To enable search feature and make navigation easier.
- Media. Possibillity to use media files such as video or pictures as question or answer.
- Design. For now it's very pure, minimal, hastily created design that needs some big rework.