Continuously read CephFS directories extended file attributes (xattr) and store them in InfluxDB.
depends on Go bindings for
Ceph and it was developed and tested to be
used with a Ceph Luminous cluster. Newer Ceph versions may need some adjustments,
contributions a welcome.
go build -o cephfs-xattr-influx -tags luminous main.go
Install cephfs-xattr-influx
as a systemd timer which executes every 15
The systemd unit files expects to find the cephfs-xattr-influx
in /usr/bin
it's config
and paths.json
files to be prestend in
Download and install the cephfs-xattr-influx
binary to /usr/bin/
$ curl -L<version>/cephfs-xattr-influx-luminous.tar.gz | tar zx && mv cephfs-xattr-influx /usr/bin
Copy the systemd unit files to `/etc/systemd/system':
$ cp cephfs-xattr-influx.service /etc/systemd/system/
$ cp cephfs-xattr-influx.timer /etc/systemd/system/
Enable the unit files:
$ systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/cephfs-xattr-influx.service
$ systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/cephfs-xattr-influx.timer
Finally start the timer:
$ systemctl start /etc/systemd/system/cephfs-xattr-influx.timer
Show all enabled timers:
$ systemctl list-timers
Find here some examples for a config
and paths.json
influx.addr https://influxdb:8086
influx.bucket ceph it
influx.token c29tZXNlY3JldHRva2VuCg==
ceph.client cephfs.xattr.influx
ceph.keyring c29tZWNlcGhzZWNyZXR0b2tlbnllYQo=
"Organisation": "root",
"User": "root",
"Path": "/"
"Organisation": "org1",
"User": "user2",
"Path": "/org1/user2"