Authenticate and link oauth2 profiles.

If eventoL-auth is run as a standalone server you must provide the configuration in the .env file. The .env must contain the next variables:
- EVENTOL_AUTH_JWT_SECRET: The secret that will be used to sign the json web token.
- EVENTOL_AUTH_JWT_EXPIRES: Expiration time of the token expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span rauchg/ms. Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d".
- EVENTOL_AUTH_MONGO_PORT: The port of the mongo instance where the users and refresh tokens will be saved.
- EVENTOL_AUTH_MONGO_HOST: The host of the mongo instance where the users and refresh tokens will be saved.
- EVENTOL_AUTH_SERVER_HOST: The host of the server where the auth api will run.
- EVENTOL_AUTH_SERVER_PORT: The port of the server where the auth api will run.
- EVENTOL_AUTH_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY: The consumer key of your twitter app.
- EVENTOL_AUTH_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET: The consumer secret of your twitter app.
For example:
If eventoL-auth is run as an express module you have to call the router function with a configuration object with these attributes:
- twitter.consumerKey: The consumer key of your twitter app.
- twitter.comsumerSecret: The consumer secret of your twitter app.
- jwt.secret: The secret that will be used to sign the json web token.
- jwt.expires: Expiration time of the token expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span rauchg/ms. Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d".
- The host of the mongo instance where the users and refresh tokens will be saved.
- models.mongo.port: The port of the mongo instance where the users and refresh tokens will be saved.
For example:
twitter: {
consumerKey: 'ATwitterConsumerKey',
consumerSecret: 'ATwitterSecretKey'
jwt: {
secret: 'TheJsonWebTokenSecret',
expires: '1d'
models: {
mongo: {
host: '27017',
port: 'localhost'