This Symfony bundle provides mail system and request processors for Email Bundle. Bundle use Mandrill transactional email platform.
composer require everlutionsk/mandrill-bundle
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Everlution\MandrillBundle\EverlutionMandrillBundle()
Following configuration snippet describes how to configure the bundle.
Firstly, you must modify EmailBundle configuration to work with MandrillBundle's services.
# app/config/config.yml
# EmailBundle Configuration
mail_system: everlution.mandrill.mail_system
inbound: everlution.mandrill.inbound.request_processor
outbound_message_event: everlution.mandrill.outbound.message_event.request_processor
Secondly, you must configure MandrillBundle itself
# app/config/config.yml
# MandrillBundle Configuration
async_mandrill_sending: true
enforced_delivery_address: EMAIL_ADDRESS|NULL
async_mandrill_sending - If it is true, then Mandrill use a background sending mode that is optimized for bulk sending. In async mode, Mandrill will immediately return a status of "queued" for every message. This is a recommended setting, because bundle is able to handle message events, which describe message state, later and fully automatically.
enforced_delivery_address - [Optional] Email address, which will be used to override recipient address in every outbound message. Changes are fully transparent and data stored in database is not affected by this transformation. Warning: Mail system ID could be associated with wrong recipient due to Mandrill API limitations. This limitation could lead to incorrect 'outbound message event' handling.
Mail system service provided by this bundle transform OutboundMessage into JSON and then POST this JSON to Mandrill API. However, this JSON can be modified just before it is posted to Mandrill. To do this you must create a service, which implements RawMessageTransformer interface and add following tag:
- Request signature calculation
- Webhook keys configuration