This project is a basic React app template that can be run immediately once cloned. The app uses:
- npm
- Webpack & Webpack dev server
- Babel (supports es2015)
- React router
- Modify package.json for the app name and description, if you would like.
- You can also modify the index.html under the app folder for your app's title.
From the root of the project folder, install the required npm packages by running:
npm install
For the first time, run
npm run production
This will run the webpack production (webpack -p) command that will trigger the transpilation and output the minified version of index.html in the dist folder.
After that, run
npm run start
This will run the webpack server and serve up the app. Any changes to the code should be reflected by refreshing the page.
This app was created following the React.js Fundamentals tutorial by Tyler McGinnis. Check it out here.