Java scope functions inspired by Kotlin
Set of utility methods. Inspired by the Kotlin scope function.
Java 8+ version required. The library has no dependencies.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.plugatar.jkscope:jkscope:3.1.1'
Import static methods you need or import them all at once.
import static com.plugatar.jkscope.JKScope.*;
Performs given function block on given values (0 zero to 5).
with(Object, ThConsumer)
with(Object, Object, Th2Consumer)
with(Object, Object, Object, Th3Consumer)
with(Object, Object, Object, Object, Th4Consumer)
with(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Th5Consumer)
with(() -> {
with("value", v -> {
with("value1", "value2", (v1, v2) -> {
Performs given function block on given values (from 0 to 5) and returns result.
let(Object, ThFunction)
let(Object, Object, Th2Function)
let(Object, Object, Object, Th3Function)
let(Object, Object, Object, Object, Th4Function)
let(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Th5Function)
let(() -> {
return "Hello";
String result = let("value", v -> {
return v.toUpperCase();
String result = let("value1", "value2", (v1, v2) -> {
return v1.toUpperCase() + v2.toUpperCase();
Performs given function block on given value (and from 0 to 4 additional values) and returns this (first) value.
it(Object, ThConsumer)
it(Object, Object, Th2Consumer)
it(Object, Object, Object, Th3Consumer)
it(Object, Object, Object, Object, Th4Consumer)
it(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Th5Consumer)
String value = it(() -> {
return "Hello";
String result = it("value", v -> {
String result = it("value1", "value2", (v1, v2) -> {
Performs given function block (with additional given resources from 0 to 3), then closes all resources in ResourceDeque and returns result if necessary.
use(AutoCloseable, ThConsumer)
use(AutoCloseable, Th2Consumer)
use(AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable, Th2Consumer)
use(AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable, Th3Consumer)
use(AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable, Th3Consumer)
use(AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable, Th4Consumer)
use(AutoCloseable, ThFunction)
use(AutoCloseable, Th2Function)
use(AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable, Th2Function)
use(AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable, Th3Function)
use(AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable, Th3Function)
use(AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable, Th4Function)
use(resources -> {
AutoCloseableImpl1 ac1 = resources.push(new AutoCloseableImpl1());
AutoCloseableImpl2 ac2 = resources.push(new AutoCloseableImpl2());
String result = use(resources -> {
AutoCloseableImpl1 ac1 = resources.push(new AutoCloseableImpl1());
AutoCloseableImpl2 ac2 = resources.push(new AutoCloseableImpl2());
return "result";
use(new AutoCloseableImpl1(), new AutoCloseableImpl2(), (ac1, ac2, resources) -> {
AutoCloseableImpl3 ac3 = resources.push(new AutoCloseableImpl3());
AutoCloseableImpl4 ac4 = resources.push(new AutoCloseableImpl4());
String result = use(new AutoCloseableImpl1(), new AutoCloseableImpl2(), (ac1, ac2, resources) -> {
AutoCloseableImpl3 ac3 = resources.push(new AutoCloseableImpl3());
AutoCloseableImpl4 ac4 = resources.push(new AutoCloseableImpl4());
return "result";
Performs given function block specified number of times (with additional values from 0 to 3) and returns accumulator value if specified.
repeat(int, ThRunnable)
repeat(int, ThConsumerInt)
repeat(int, Object, ThConsumer)
repeat(int, Object, Th2ConsumerIntObj)
repeat1(int, Object, ThConsumer)
repeat1(int, Object, Th2ConsumerIntObj)
repeat1(int, Object, Object, Th2Consumer)
repeat1(int, Object, Object, Th3ConsumerIntObj2)
repeat2(int, Object, Object, Th2Consumer)
repeat2(int, Object, Object, Th3ConsumerIntObj2)
repeat2(int, Object, Object, Object, Th3Consumer)
repeat2(int, Object, Object, Object, Th4ConsumerIntObj3)
repeat3(int, Object, Object, Object, Th3Consumer)
repeat3(int, Object, Object, Object, Th4ConsumerIntObj3)
repeat3(int, Object, Object, Object, Object, Th4Consumer)
repeat3(int, Object, Object, Object, Object, Th5ConsumerIntObj4)
repeat(10, () -> {
repeat(10, idx -> {
System.out.println("Hello " + idx);
List<String> result = repeat(10, new ArrayList<>(), list -> {
List<String> result = repeat(10, new ArrayList<>(), (idx, list) -> {
list.add("Hello " + idx);
Performs given function block for every element of given object and returns accumulator value if specified.
iterateOver(Object[], ThConsumer)
iterateOver(Object[], Th2ConsumerIntObj)
iterateOver(Object[], Object, Th2Consumer)
iterateOver(Object[], Object, Th3ConsumerIntObj2)
iterateOver(Iterable, ThConsumer)
iterateOver(Iterable, Th2ConsumerIntObj)
iterateOver(Iterable, Object, Th2Consumer)
iterateOver(Iterable, Object, Th3ConsumerIntObj2)
iterateOver(Iterator, ThConsumer)
iterateOver(Iterator, Th2ConsumerIntObj)
iterateOver(Iterator, Object, Th2Consumer)
iterateOver(Iterator, Object, Th3ConsumerIntObj2)
iterateOver(Map, Th2Consumer)
iterateOver(Map, Th3ConsumerIntObj2)
iterateOver(Map, Object, Th3Consumer)
iterateOver(Map, Object, Th4ConsumerIntObj3)
List<String> iterable = List.of("a", "b", "c");
iterateOver(iterable, element -> {
System.out.println("element: " + element);
iterateOver(iterable, (idx, element) -> {
System.out.println("element " + idx + ": " + element);
List<String> result1 = iterateOver(iterable, new ArrayList<>(), (element, acc) -> {
List<String> result2 = iterateOver(iterable, new ArrayList<>(), (idx, element, acc) -> {
acc.add(idx + " " + element);
Map<Integer, String> result3 = iterateOver(list, new HashMap<>(), (idx, element, map) ->
map.put(idx, element)
Performs given function block with manual selection of the next elements and returns accumulator value if specified.
iterate1(Object, Th2Consumer)
iterate1(Object, Th3ConsumerIntObj2)
iterate1(Object, Object, Th3Consumer)
iterate1(Object, Object, Th4ConsumerIntObj3)
iterate2(Object, Object, Th3Consumer)
iterate2(Object, Object, Th4ConsumerIntObj3)
iterate2(Object, Object, Object, Th4Consumer)
iterate2(Object, Object, Object, Th5ConsumerIntObj4)
iterate3(Object, Object, Object, Th4Consumer)
iterate3(Object, Object, Object, Th5ConsumerIntObj4)
iterate3(Object, Object, Object, Object, Th5Consumer)
iterate3(Object, Object, Object, Object, Th6ConsumerIntObj5)
iterate1(5, (value, nextValues) -> {
if (value < 10) {
nextValues.push(value + 1);
iterate1(5, (idx, value, nextValues) -> {
if (idx < 100 && value < 10) {
nextValues.push(value + 1);
List<Integer> result1 = iterate1(5, new ArrayList<>(), (value, acc, nextValues) -> {
if (value < 10) {
nextValues.push(value + 1);
List<Integer> result2 = iterate1(5, new ArrayList<>(), (idx, value, acc, nextValues) -> {
if (idx < 100 && value < 10) {
nextValues.push(value + 1);
Performs given function block recursively and returns block result or accumulator value if specified.
recur(Object, Th2Consumer)
recur(Object, Th3Consumer)
recur1(Object, Th2Consumer)
recur1(Object, Th3Consumer)
recur1(Object, Object, Th3Consumer)
recur1(Object, Object, Th4Consumer)
recur2(Object, Object, Th3Consumer)
recur2(Object, Object, Th4Consumer)
recur2(Object, Object, Object, Th4Consumer)
recur2(Object, Object, Object, Th5Consumer)
recur3(Object, Object, Object, Th4Consumer)
recur3(Object, Object, Object, Th5Consumer)
recur3(Object, Object, Object, Object, Th5Consumer)
recur3(Object, Object, Object, Object, Th6Consumer)
recur1(Object, Th2Function)
recur1(Object, Th3Function)
recur2(Object, Object, Th3Function)
recur2(Object, Object, Th4Function)
recur3(Object, Object, Object, Th4Function)
recur3(Object, Object, Object, Th5Function)
recur1(5, (value, self) -> {
if (value < 10) {
self.accept(value + 1);
recur1(5, (depth, value, self) -> {
if (depth.current() < 100 && value < 10) {
self.accept(value + 1);
List<Integer> result1 = recur1(5, new ArrayList<>(), (value, acc, self) -> {
if (value < 10) {
self.accept(value + 1);
List<Integer> result2 = recur1(5, new ArrayList<>(), (depth, value, acc, self) -> {
if (depth.current() < 50 && value < 10) {
self.accept(value + 1);
Integer result3 = recur1(5, (value, self) -> {
if (value < 10) {
return self.apply(value + 1);
return value;
Integer result4 = recur1(5, (depth, value, self) -> {
if (depth.current() < 100 && value < 10) {
return self.apply(value + 1);
return value;
Returns a value with lazy initialization.
lazy(Object, ThSupplier)
lazy(Lazy.ThreadSafetyMode, ThSupplier)
Lazy<String> lazyValue1 = lazy(() -> {
return "abc";
Object externalLock = new Object();
Lazy<String> lazyValue2 = lazy(externalLock, () -> {
return "abc";
Lazy<String> lazyValue3 = lazy(ThreadSafetyMode.PUBLICATION, () -> {
return "abc";
Lazy<String> lazyValue4 = lazyOf("abc");
All presented functions allow you to not catch any checked exceptions.
public static void main(String[] args) {
URI uri = it(() -> new URI("abc"));
Map<String, Integer> map = it(new HashMap<>(), it -> {
it.put("val1", 1);
it.put("val2", 2);
List<String> list = it(new ArrayList<>(), it -> {
new MyBuilder()
.setThird(it(() -> {
return "third";
int result = recur1(10, (n, func) -> {
if (n <= 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return n * func.apply(n - 1);
Throwable mainException = ...;
Set<Throwable> allRelated = recur1(mainException, new HashSet<>(), (currentEx, set, self) -> {
if (currentEx != null && set.add(currentEx)) {
for (final Throwable suppressedEx : currentEx.getSuppressed()) {
Throwable mainException = ...;
Set<Throwable> allRelated = iterate1(mainException, new HashSet<>(), (currentEx, set, nextValues) -> {
if (currentEx != null && set.add(currentEx)) {
for (final Throwable suppressedEx : currentEx.getSuppressed()) {