nice_scheme_plotter is the repository dedicated for drawing the schemes of an excited nuclei gamma emissions.
nice_scheme_plotter is written in Python 3.6 and it needs following libraries:
- matplotlib - python plotting library
- pandas - python data analysis library
The data has to be kept in the .xlsx file (which is recommended) or in two .csv files (one file provides information about excited nuclear levels and second one about gamma transitions).
The program adjust the most of plot properties by itself, but it is also possible to set up all parameters (just like output figure width, or height; picture dpi, font sizes, annotations widths, transitions spacing, etc.). It is also possible to easily set up some parameters of specific level or transition line. User can change it's color, linewidth or linestyle.
It is also possible to render all captions with LaTex.
Plots can be saved as both raster and vector graphics.
At this point (release 1.01) program can recognise following levels properties: level energy, spin value, parity, and lifetime; transition energy, energy uncertainity, from which level it starts, and to which level it goes, transtition intensity, it's uncertainity and transition multipolarity. But the database .xls columns must contain two sheets:
sheet named
with column names:I
sheet named
with column names:lvl_energy
(!) If you don't have specific parameters for your data just keep these columns (or cells) empty, but don't omitt it's names.
Examplary code is shown in
Realease 1.01 (2018)
Ewa Adamska
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details