With Popcorn Time discover the most popular or top-rated playing movies or search for the movie you just heard about and you can check its details like average vote rating, vote count, release date, language, and synopsis.
- API used: The MovieDP
To run this project on your device, kindly get your own API key from Here and include it in the local.properties file in a new line as follows:
APIKEY=Bearer "your API key goes here"
Popcorn Time was an excellent opportunity to deepen my knowledge of Jetpack compose and learn about new technologies such as Swipe to refresh, Pager, Pagin3 library and Dagger Hilt it's my first app using such amount of new technologies I'm not familiar with but it won't be the last as I'm eager to learn more and more
- Jetpack Compose
- Paging3 Library
- Retrofit
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin Flows
- Lottie Animations
- Coil
- Swipe to Refresh
- View Pager
- MVVM Architecture
- Dagger Hilt