A visual tool that creates dependency graphs between arbitrary sets of jars, classes, packages and java projects.
Djinn can be used to :
- Analyze legacy codebases that do not rely on dependency management systems (such as maven or ivy) and then produce information that facilitate migration to these systems;
- Locate, and fix cyclic dependencies;
- Understand how a project is structured to gain comprehension quicker.
There is still a lot of work to do - the tool only provides basic functionality currently.
If you don't want to be bothered with building the project:
Here is the latest runnable jar.
Alternatively, your can click here to run djinn through java webstart.
The project requires Maven for building, and JDK 7 (or later). It has been tested under Windows and Linux, although it should run wherever Swing Applications are supported.
To build the runnable jar, simply run:
mvn compile assembly:single
The artifact generated is target/djinn-gui.jar subdirectory. You can run it using :
java -jar target/djinn-gui.jar
If you're a clicky person, flip the executable permission flag, and you should be able to run djinn by double-clicking on the jar, under linux or windows.
To be written.